Halo 2 review

You say Halo, we say goodbye

12DOVE Verdict


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    Moments of inspired brilliance

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    Finally getting to play Halo 2


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    Sloppy port of last-gen game

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    Boring firefights

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    Uninspired sequel

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We got a raw deal from Halo. Where there should have been wonder there has been disappointment. Where there should have been one of the greatest PC games of all time, there has been a moderately entertaining shooter.

You might recall that there was a time before the Xbox, a time when Halo seemed like the savior of FPS gaming on the PC: beautiful, vehicular space-war with burning energy weapons, roaring vehicles, proudly chromed aliens, all wrapped up within a mysterious ring-world sci-fi mythology. We were so excited, so sure that this would lead us into perfected escapism.

More info

DescriptionThe sequel to Xbox's biggest game is a multiplayer masterpiece, even if single-player suffers a bit.
US censor rating"Mature","Mature"
UK censor rating"",""
Alternative names"Halo II"
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)