BAJA: Edge of Control review

What happens when you go off the beaten track?

12DOVE Verdict


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    Sound physics system

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    Lengthy career mode

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    Wide-open free-roaming mode


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    Not enough vehicle feedback

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    Unforgiving of mistakes

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Rather than the ability to perform outlandish jumps and tricks, Baja has a punishing physics and handling model; your speed can be reduced to a crawl if you forget to slip the clutch on a tight corner, while misjudging a turn can’t be corrected with a power slide. Sadly, there’s so little feedback from the car or the controls that judging the weight of the vehicle on different surfaces is difficult; something that severely hinders your ability to adjust to the unnatural feeling of driving up a ruddy great mountain without a road.

We like working our way up through the ranks from battered Bug to elite Trophy Trucks by modifying and tuning our vehicle. We also like undertaking grueling hill-climbs, circuit and rally races in a sim rather than arcade style. But the lacklustre visuals and awkward handling ensure that Baja will probably be consigned to the corners of our minds.

Oct 6, 2008

More info

DescriptionThe rare off-road racer with strict sim elements, Baja manages to miss the title of the off-road Gran Turismo thanks to lackluster graphics and horribly awkward handling.
Platform"PS3","Xbox 360"
US censor rating"Everyone","Everyone"
UK censor rating"3+","3+"
Alternative names"Baja"
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)