Xbox Live experiencing technical difficulties

More bad news for online gamers. At least, online gamers with no games to play. Microsoft is now reporting significant service issues for certain segments of the Xbox Live Marketplace which ... (*quickly checks system) ... yup, are still affecting the Games for Windows-Live Marketplace, Indie Games, and some Games Marketplace functions.

At time of print, both the Indie Games and Games for Windows stores were missing from their usual online hang-out, and attempts to access theIndie Games portalonline yields an error message. Matchmaking services, account sign-in and general Xbox Live features are being reported as “up and running” on theXbox Support page.

Foul play or minor glitch in the system? We're pretty sure this will be patched up soon. In the meantime, please amuse us with your conspiracy theories.

[Source:Xbox Support, Matt Bradford's Xbox]

May 25, 2011

Matt Bradford wrote news and features here at 12DOVE until 2016. Since then he's gone on to work with the Guinness World Records, acting as writer and researcher for the annual Gamer's Edition series of books, and has worked as an editor, technical writer, and voice actor. Matt is now a freelance journalist and editor, generating copy across a multitude of industries.