X-Men Destiny GamesCom trailer shows you the possibilities of mutation

We’re still on the fence with X-Men Destiny. On the one hand you’ve got fancy pants developer Silicon Knights and an interesting twist of playing as a new mutant dealing with their powers and having to choose between joining the X-Men or Brotherhood of Mutants. On the other hand, Silicon Knights’ last game was the very middling Too Human and we really like playing as Wolverine, not some new kid. Perhaps this GamesCom trailer, detailing the multiple powers you can assign to your mutant, will help us make up our minds…

Hmm, not bad, but we’re still not totally sold. At first they sell you on the interesting and very personal journey of finding out you’re a mutant, and then you just beat up a bunch of goons with your new gift. At least they packed the end with shots of iconic X-Men just to reassure you that all your favorites are in the game in some form. Will this be the X-Men’s Arkham Asylum or their Catwoman?

Aug 17, 2011

Hmm, not bad, but we’re still not totally sold. At first they sell you on the interesting and very personal journey of finding out you’re a mutant, and then you just beat up a bunch of goons with your new gift. At least they packed the end with shots of iconic X-Men just to reassure you that all your favorites are in the game in some form. Will this be the X-Men’s Arkham Asylum or their Catwoman?

Aug 17, 2011

Hmm, not bad, but we’re still not totally sold. At first they sell you on the interesting and very personal journey of finding out you’re a mutant, and then you just beat up a bunch of goons with your new gift. At least they packed the end with shots of iconic X-Men just to reassure you that all your favorites are in the game in some form. Will this be the X-Men’s Arkham Asylum or their Catwoman?

Aug 17, 2011

Hmm, not bad, but we’re still not totally sold. At first they sell you on the interesting and very personal journey of finding out you’re a mutant, and then you just beat up a bunch of goons with your new gift. At least they packed the end with shots of iconic X-Men just to reassure you that all your favorites are in the game in some form. Will this be the X-Men’s Arkham Asylum or their Catwoman?

Aug 17, 2011

Henry Gilbert

Henry Gilbert is a former 12DOVE Editor, having spent seven years at the site helping to navigate our readers through the PS3 and Xbox 360 generation. Henry is now following another passion of his besides video games, working as the producer and podcast cohost of the popular Talking Simpsons and What a Cartoon podcasts.