X-Men Days Of Future Past: Complete Guide
All the details on Bryan Singer's First Class sequel

The Sequel
Following the success of X-Men: First Class , which took over $350million worldwide at the box office, it was no surprise to see the sequel announced.
The 1973-set follow up Days of Future Past will see the X-Men of a dystopian future travel in time to change a major historical event that could globally impact on man and mutant kind.
Production on the movie began earlier this month, while the film is set to hit cinemas on July 18, 2014.

The Director
Taking over directing duties from Matthew Vaughn, who reportedly dropped out of the project to take on another comic book adaptation - Mark Millar's The Secret Service , X-Men franchise stalwart Bryan Singer steps into the chair once more.
Of his intentions for the film, he told Bleeding Cool: "I want there to be some humour and some fun. I can’t wait, and I know they will be fun to shoot. I want to keep that humour [because] the thing about X-Men is that the themes are serious, but the film doesn’t need to be.
"And there’s an attitude [difference]. We discover our characters, particularly the younger characters, at a different place in their lives. Every character you discover in this movie is in a completely different place than you’ve ever seen, emotionally, and it’s about them moving through that. Hilarity ensues!"

The Creative Consultant
Speaking of Mr Millar, Fox's creative consultant has high praise for this latest project from the studio.
The writer, who previously described the movie as " X-Men meets The Terminator ," wrote on his message board last month: " Days of Future Past is potentially the biggest and most ambitious superhero movie ever made.
"I've seen this coming together in various stages, but now they're only weeks away from shooting it's really catching fire."
But it's unknown how much involvement Millar has had with the project so far.
In fact, in an interview with Bleeding Cool in February, Singer said the two hadn't yet spoken.

The Writer
Writer Simon Kinberg has also claimed that the movie is "extraordinarily ambitious".
He told Collider: "It is unlike the other X-Men movies and yet very much a celebration of the X-Men movies.
"I'm very proud of First Class … I think it is as dramatic as that movie, but more epic, mythic in a way as well."

The Comic Book
A significant arc in the X-Men canon, 1981's Days of Future past is the epilogue to the Dark Phoenix saga, the swan song for writer/penciller team Chris Claremont and John Byrne, and also marks the arrival of much-loved character Kitty Pryde, aka Shadowcat.
With artwork by John Romita Jr and Bob McLeod, the issues are set in 2013 - where Sentinels stalk the Earth, and mutants are jailed in internment camps.
An older Kitty Pryde transfers her mind into the younger, present-day version, who brings the X-Men together to prevent a fatal moment in history which triggers anti-mutant hysteria.

The Animated Adaptation
The Days of Future Past storyline has been adapted before - for the '90s animated TV series.
The storyline concept was combined with another alternative future story - the Age Of Apocalypse - in which future mutant Bishop takes the place of Pryde and is sent back in time to stop the assassination and uncover a traitor among the X-Men.
There's no word yet on whether this telling will have any impact on the movie, but it's an interesting interpretation nonetheless.

The Continuity
When it comes to making sure the stories tie together seamlessly, Mr Singer is the man with a plan.
“You have to capture the essence of those stories, and if you try to do every single detail that’s in this story, that can be too much for a movie," he told Collider.
"But if you can grab the essence of that story and those characters, and then realize it’s a movie it’s not a comic book so there are certain parameters that are different, it’ll still be satisfying to fans and non-fans.”
Singer has made it clear this film will bridge the gaps between the existing films, rectifying some continuity issues and a few character arc missteps along the way.
"There are parts of X-Men 3 … it isn’t what I would have done, but parts of it, I liked. Certain things are different. There was a lot going on in it and I wasn’t so happy with so many people dying, but then there were some really sweet moments with that kid, the cure kid," he told Bleeding Cool.
“I said I’ll ‘fix a few things’. It won’t be its primary function but there will be some fixing. It’s a really cool story, and incidentally, it facilitates all of these characters. They weren’t just thrown in there. And they all play a fun role.

X-Men Assemble!
With the core cast of First Class returning (though not all of them are back - we'll get to that), plus a bunch of alumni from the original franchise, this is a huge ensemble.
"I got the impression that everyone was kind of excited to come back," Singer told Collider. "I think there’s a good feeling about all of us working together again, and I’m very excited to work with the new cast members as a director as opposed to just a producer."
The director's Twitter announcement, however, was far more succinct: "3 #Oscars, 6 #GoldenGlobes, 1 #BAFTA, 2 #Emmys, 2 #Tonys, 5 #Oliviers, 1 #Ceaser - Now let's blow s**t up! #XMEN"

Patrick Stewart Returns
The original Professor X has largely kept schtum about his involvement in the film, save for telling Collider last year: "I’m very happy that my lovely friend Ian McKellen is going to be with me... I’m greatly looking forward to it."
But Bryan Singer did treat fans to this shot of the legendary actor in costumed on set on the eve before principal photography on the movie began.

McAvoy's Mane Concern
Returning as the young Charles Xavier is James McAvoy, whose priority for the sequel seems to be the mystery behind Professor X's hair loss.
He told us earlier this year: "[screenwriter] Simon Kinberg and I came up with a whole bunch of ideas about how, why and where he might go bald. It’s got to be linked to the plot though.
"In the comics, he lost his hair as soon as his powers awakened, and we clearly didn’t follow the source material. It can’t just be that he looks in the mirror at the end of the film and goes ‘Oh [frick], I’m losing my hair’. Although that could be quite funny with all this shit going on… he goes ‘Arge, I’m really stressed…’"

Changes For Charles
McAvoy has indicated that the sense of humour in First Class may be toned down: "I thought the biggest thing that X-Men: First Class gave the franchise was a real palpable sense of humour that wasn’t just for a couple of moments," he said.
"It was running through the thing. And I hope that continues. I don’t know how easy it will be for me to be a part of that as my character’s going to be in a pretty [frick]ed up place. It’s a shame because I like the fact that Charles Xavier was witty and funny and a bit of a lecherous old guy trapped in a 30-year-old’s body.
"It is going to be a film in which Charles has to go through a lot of heavy stuff; I think probably he'll pass through the crucible in this movie."

The Fass Is Back
Man of the moment, Michael Fassbender, will of course reprise the role of young Magneto.
"I'm very excited about that," he told Digital Spy last year. "I sat down with Simon Kinberg, he was telling me his ideas and I was chipping in. There's some very cool ideas."

Magneto's Morals
Singer has confirmed that the film will explore the moral conflict within Magneto, telling Digital Spy:
"Because I have both Ian McKellen and Michael Fassbender in the picture, we'll deal with both sides of that point of view and it really explores the relationship between Xavier and Magneto and the evolution of that relationship - where it came from and where it's going."

McKellen Makes A Comeback
Ian McKellen has said he's "raring to go" of his return to the X-verse, praising his younger counterpart in the process.
"I thought he was terrific," the actor told Access Hollywood. "But we'll give him a run for his money when we get there."
Bryan Singer, meanwhile, teased McKellen's return with this rather cute Vine video:
#XMen #DaysOfFuturePast vine.co/v/btrgeqDFdgQ April 10, 2013

No Helmet, No Cry
Speaking of Sir Ian, the actor has revealed that his incarnation of Magneto won't be wearing the character's famous helmet in the sequel, telling Twitter followers: "Why don't I need a helmet in "Days of Future Past"? That would be telling and I'm not allowed to."
As the purpose of the helmet is to protect Magneto from psychic attacks, is it safe to assume that he and Charles are on the same side in the future - for the time being at least?

Jackman's Jumping For Joy
Following his excellent cameo in First Class , Hugh Jackman reprises the role of James 'Wolverine' Logan for the 15,000th time.
Other than this teasing Twitpic from the set, the extent of Logan's involvement in the story is still under wraps, though Hugh Jackman did tell fans during a recent Twitter Q&A for The Wolverine that "it's probably one of the most exciting ensembles ever put together... the list on any day's call sheet is pretty impressive", adding that working on the film was "mind-blowing".

Berry "Won't Be As Badass"
Fortunately, Halle Berry's pregnancy won't impact her involvement with the movie, though it may have an effect on how much action we see from Storm.
"Storm probably won’t be as badass as she was going to be because we won’t be able to do any fighting or flying or things like that," said the actress in an interview with the BBC.
"She’ll be different than we originally planned her to be but I still think she’ll be an integral part of this new X-Men movie."

J-Lew Suits Up
As the sequel's set 11 years after Raven Darkholme decided to leave surrogate brother Charles to follow Erik Lehnsherr, it's likely we'll see a more mature, potentially more homicidal incarnation of Mystique this time around.
How the actress feels about the evolution of her character we don't know, as she reportedly hasn't had a chance to read the script yet.
But Lawrence has revealed that she'll be spared the pain of body paint following an extreme allergic reaction during the filming of First Class .
"I'm so excited because I'm going to wear a body suit," she told E!. "It will be from neck down so it will cut out time and the blisters."

Hoult's On Board
Thanks to the success of Warm Bodies and Jack The Giant Slayer , Nic Hoult's been a busy boy of late. But he's nonetheless excited to return to the X-verse.
He told Superherohype: "I think Hank's a really fascinating guy and the Jekyll and Hyde aspect of his personality so I think it's really exciting and also going back with Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart and Hugh Jackman being involved with this one, it's going to feel pretty much like an X-Men movie I guess because those were the guys that I grew up watching in those films."

The Evolution of Beast
"Many a monster wears the form of a man; it is better of the two to have the heart of a man & the form of a monster," said Bryan Singer on posting this image of Hoult's character, quoting Jeanne-Marie Le Prince de Beaumont's Beauty and the Beast .
The character design has evolved from First Class , evoking the character's classic comic book design and Kelsey Grammar's look from The Last Stand - note the greying hair, wrinkles and yellow eyes.
"Many a monster wears the form of a man; it is better of the two to have the heart of a man & the form of a monster" twitter.com/BryanSinger/st… April 5, 2013

Hello Kitty
Ellen Page's Kitty Pryde will clearly be pivotal to Days of Future Past 's plot.
But it'll also be extremely interesting to see how Shadowcat's relationship with the other X-Men has evolved.
This intense stare she's exchanging on set with Shawn Ashmore's Bobby Drake is particularly intriguing.

Ice, Ice, Bobby
Though he's sworn to secrecy, Shawn Ashmore has admitted he's excited about returning to a role he grew up playing.
"I think the take on the story is really interesting," he told IGN.
"I think that Days of Future Past , as any X-Men fan knows, is a great arc. I love the idea of combining and bringing some cohesion to the two timelines that are happening now. I think that’s exciting.
"Not only is the combination of the cast going to be really cool, but the story itself is going to be really fun."
Rumour has it that Iceman's rocky relationship with Rogue will also be explored.

Will Rogue Regain Her Powers?
Speaking of Rogue, another alumni returning to the franchise is Anna Paquin.
But this character raises a few continuity eyebrows, as 2006's X-Men: The Last Stand saw her opt to be 'cured' of her mutation, enabling her to have skin-to-skin contact with boyfriend, Bobby.
So will Days of Future Past be set before those events, or will the much-loved mutant's powers have resurfaced?

Cudmore Returns As Colossus
Man mountain Daniel Cudmore will also return as steel-covered goliath Piotr Rasputin, aka Colossus.
Whether he'll have an actual line, or do much more than throw the other X-Men about a bit remains to be seen, but the actor's nevertheless happy to be back, telling Twitter: "Thanks for all the love for my return to the X-Men universe! I'm so pumped for this movie!"

The Great Nightcrawler Confusion
The question of Alan Cumming's involvement has been confusing to say the least.
First James McAvoy confirmed that Kurt ‘Nightcrawler’ Wagner would return in an interview with Heat, then Cumming admitted he hadn't even been approached at that point.
As it stands, it looks like fans of the Fuzzy Elf will be disappointed.

Will We See Scott And Jean Grey?
Interestingly, there's no word yet on whether two legendary X-Men, Scott 'Cyclops' Summers and Jean Grey will return.
James Marsden has kept schtum on the subject matter, while Famke Janssen was decidedly cagey when we quizzed her about it back in April, saying: "I would consider it if and when it becomes a reality."

What's Dinklage Doing?
There's been much mystery and speculation surrounding Peter Dinklage's as-yet unannounced role, said to be "key" to the movie.
Singer has denied rumours that the actor will voice a CGI character, telling IGN: "He’ll be himself. Not that he’ll be playing Peter Dinklage, he’ll be playing this character. It’s not a shy character.
"He’s just such a phenomenal actor; I’m a huge fan of Peter’s and Game Of Thrones. He was my first choice and I was really happy."
Comic characters mooted include Alpha Flight member Puck, or advanced future villain Sentinel Nimrod.
But a more likely option is mastermind and creator of the anti-mutant Sentinal program, Bolivar Trask - though there may be continuity problems given Bill Duke's appearance as the character in The Last Stand .

The Sentinels & Nimrod
Robots created to protect humanity from the perceived mutant threat, the Sentinels were an experiment that went wrong.
According to comic book lore, Trask created the machines with an artificial intelligence he couldn't control. The Sentinels reasoned that the best way to protect humans from mutants was to control the 'imperfect' human society.
In the original Days Of Future Past storyline, it is these robots who run the dystopian future the X-Men are trying to prevent.
And the Sentinels aren't the only thing for the X-Men of the future to fear.
A powerful, virtually indestructible robot from an alternative future, Nimrod is able to shape shift, and kick quite a lot of mutant ass.

Introducing Bishop
The inclusion of Bishop in the line-up, revealed on Vine by Mr Singer, is an interesting one.
Could the movie take inspiration from the animated series adaptation, in which Bishop takes on time travel responsibilities?
It hasn't yet been confirmed who'll play the son of Aborigine mutant refugees, whose powers include energy absorption and redirection as well as superhuman physical attributes, but the interweb seems pretty sure it'll be the guy on our next slide...
Every mutant needs a place to sit #XMen #DaysOfFuturePast vine.co/v/bPXUHdHMwnm April 24, 2013

Omar Sy
Bryan Singer has said he's "thrilled" to welcome Omar Sy to the cast.
Having made an award-winning impression with his role in comedy drama The Intouchables , we're expecting good things from the Frenchman.

Welcome Warpath
Another newcomer to the X-Men movieverse will be James 'Warpath' Proudstar, an Apache Native American with super strength and speed, heightened senses and the power of flight.
Warpath doesn't feature in the canon Days Of Future Past storyline, but the character was created by Chris Claremont, which is a connection of sorts.
Though it hasn't been confirmed, the Internet is awash with rumours that the actor playing Warpath will be...

Booboo Stewart
Best-known for his appearance in The Twilight Saga , Booboo Stewart has reportedly gained 50 pounds and grown his hair for his X-Men debut.
"It's a dream come true, really. It's pretty incredible," the actor said of winning the role. "I can't even explain the feeling that I have for this right now."

Who's Canto's Mystery Character?
Mexican actor Adan Canto announced his involvement in the movie via Twitter, telling fans: “Thrilled to be X-Men,” and name-checking several of his new colleagues.
But there's still no word on which character The Following star will play.
Following a cryptic tweet a couple of days earlier, which read: “I might turn into a ball of fire if someone pisses me off,” it's thought he could have won the role of Brazilian mutant Roberto da Costa, aka Sunspot.
An idealistic and impulsive X-Man with links to the Hellfire Club, Sunspot has the ability to absorb and channel solar power.
He's also another of Chris Claremont's characters and was originally among the First Class line-up before being written out.

Bingbing Is Blink
Fan-favourite X-Man Blink has been plucked from Marvel's back catalogue and given an outing alongside the X-verse's more famous mutants.
Chinese star Fan Bingbing will play the pink-skinned teleporter, whose powers have been somewhat unstable at times.
The actress most recently appeared in Iron Man 3 , though sadly her scenes were only shown to Chinese audiences.

Azazel Axed
Despite his high kill count in First Class , Jason Flemyng has confirmed he won't return as red-skinned demon Azazel.
Flemyng told the Irish Independent: "Initially I was gutted, but then, I remembered I had to get up at two in the morning, I had to be painted red and be slightly out of focus and posed a lot, and that was sort of it. Now I don't have to do that."

Frost's Frozen Out
Another X-alum who won't return for this instalment is January Jones, which is perhaps unsurprising considering the complete waste of her character Emma Frost in First Class .
Jones confirmed the news to Collider, saying: "I haven't been asked back. They're going into another time period, or they're going back and forth from different time periods and Emma's not in that. Not in what they're doing."
Incidentally, Frost's fellow Hellfire Club members Riptide (Alex Gonzalez), and Angel Salvadore (Zoe Kravitz) are also out of the picture.

Havok Return Rumoured
Despite his impressive hip movement in First Class , Lucas Till probably won't return either.
"You know what, I wish I could tell you, but unfortunately I still can't give you an answer," he told Shock Till You Drop when asked whether he would reprise the role of Havok.
Um... we're guessing it's a no, Lucas.
Banshee actor Caleb Landry Jones, meanwhile, has confirmed he won't be reprising the role.

Le Diable Blanc
Card-toting Cajun Gambit has yet to be properly integrated into the X-Men movie cannon.
But Taylor Kitsch, who appeared as Remy LeBeau in X-Men Origins: Wolverine is up for returning to the role, though he doubts this is the right platform for it.
He told Digital Spy: "I'd love to do it again, but we're going to do it right and we're going to do it dark."

The Spandex Is Back
Here's something that'll make fans happy. The X-gang's original blue and yellow spandex suits have been given the thumbs up.
Bryan Singer took to Twitter to reveal that the mutants won't be clad in the biker-style leather suits of the original franchise, posting: "For those of you wondering...no leather suits. #xmen"
As suits are to the X-Men what arguments are to The Avengers, we're assuming that this means the return of the more canon-faithful outfits seen in First Class .

Claremont's Sort-Of-Seal Of Approval
For his part, the creator of the story seems happy to let Fox do what they will with his material.
Speaking to Comic Book Resources, Claremont said: "The sad reality of Hollywood is that there is never a direct adaptation of source material. I think Watchmen was maybe the only time that that was tried.
"There was a report that Bryan Singer was talking about integrating Apocalypse into the storyline, which would obviously be a significant evolution from the original material.
"These guys are professionals, they're filmmakers, they presumably know what they're doing and that's the way it is.
"Hopefully the end result will be really good and something that all involved will be proud of. Bryan and Lauren have certainly pulled together, at this point, one crackerjack cast."

Apocalypse Now?
It might be an evolution from Claremont's original story, but integrating the first mutant, Apocalypse would certainly be interesting.
A character with extreme shape shifting ability that grants him near-invulnerability, immortality, Apocalypse has plagued the X-Men over the years.
When quizzed over whether he might make use of the character, Singer simply told Bleeding Cool: "I can't tell you. This is how it gets started, when somebody starts piecing the little bits together…"
Notice how he didn't simply say "no".

It's All About The Money
It stands to reason that a project of this scale would have a budget to match.
Kinberg has revealed: "It's one of those movies that, because it's such a big deal for the studio, they have some sense of what it is that we're writing and they are ambitious about the movie, too.
"I don't know what the budget's going to be, we've got to finish the script before we have a budget, but I would assume that it is a bigger movie than the last in physical scope, and that we have the license to do that because of the success of First Class ."
So what will that cash be spent on?

The Third Dimension
As Days of Future Past will be the first X-Men movie shot in 3D, a large chunk of the budget will go on that.
"I'll probably use some of the motion-capture technology for certain things. And of course the 3D technology. I'll be shooting native stereo on X-Men," Singer told Cinema Blend.
But despite speculation, Singer has said that he won't use 48fps, explaining that he doesn't think the high frame rate will "make sense" for this movie.

Breaking New Ground
Another thing that could cost a pretty penny is the technology - both fictional and real life - involved in the film.
Singer has revealed that we'll see things we've never seen in an X-Men film before, telling Cinema Blend:
"There's things that we're going to do in this movie that haven't been done in X-Men films before.
"Stuff involving [time travel], and stuff involving certain technology, and certain science fiction aspects that haven't been used before in an X-Men film. We'd like to keep some of that a surprise."

The Assassination Plot
The assassination of presidential candidate Robert Kelly by Magneto's Brotherhood of Mutants is the key event on which Days of Future Past' s storyline hinges.
And X-fans with good memories will recall that in Bryan Singer's 2000 film, Senator Kelly (Bruce Davison) was indeed killed by Magneto after being used as test subject for a machine that artificially induces mutation.
This all hints at a sensible continuity between the future X-Men and the original film franchise, but how will it fit in the '70s?

Singer's plan could be to eschew the fictional Kelly in favour of a more high-profile, not to mention real-life assassination attempt.
The director has confirmed that former US president Richard Nixon will make a cameo, telling Collider: "That’ll be an interesting casting choice."
Two attempts were made on Nixon's life during his presidency in 1972 and 1974, either of which could be the catalyst for the dystopian future Days Of Future Past will depict.

Tricksy Time Travel
Being set in at least two time periods - potentially three, depending on how closely the original story is followed - how to handle time travel is going to be a big concern for Singer.
But the director cleverly saught advice from the Don of cinematic time travel.
"The movie takes place at different times. It deals with, I don’t want to say time travel, but time displacement. A form of time travel which is steeped more in the X-Men [mythos]," he explained.
"The movie is about destiny. What is your fate? What were you supposed to do, what should you have done when you were younger? What didn’t you do that would have made for a better future? And what if you could go back and change that.
"I think I’ve got the time travel – I don’t really want to call it time travel, but for want of a better word, time travel figured out. I pitched it to James Cameron and he signed off on it."

Mansion Makeover
We're likely to see two versions of Charles Xavier's impressive country mansion. The '70s version, and the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters of the present day.
Either way, if Singer's set photos are anything to go by, it's sure that at some point we'll get a glimpse at the underground network of corridors that lead to the Professor's mutant-detecting device, Cerebro.

Following Charles Xavier's connections with the CIA in First Class, it looks likely the relationship will continue - though whether Rose Byrne's love interest Moira MacTaggart will return remains to be seen.
Singer Tweeted yet another tease, revealing an interesting prop that has implications for the founder and leader of the X-Men - his thesis on human genetic mutation, complete with a big fat CIA stamp.

Days Of Future... Future
Without wishing to get ahead of ourselves, it's hard not to think about where next for the X-Men - unless something goes really, really wrong, Days of Future Past is unlikely to be their last big screen outing.
Could it be a crossover?
Mark Millar is certainly hopeful for an event movie.
"Fox have said that they want to build a cohesive universe and I’d personally like this to work in complement to the Marvel one," he told SFX.
"It would be cool if these universes didn’t contradict each other so if you went to see Spidey, The Avengers, the X-Men, etc, as a viewer you would have no idea that all three are coming from different studios. I’d love to make it look like they’re all just happening in one place."
Excting, no? But Millar also warned fans not to get ahead of themselves, adding: "I don’t think it’s something anyone would want to rush into."

Days Of Future... Future
Without wishing to get ahead of ourselves, it's hard not to think about where next for the X-Men - unless something goes really, really wrong, Days of Future Past is unlikely to be their last big screen outing.
Could it be a crossover?
Mark Millar is certainly hopeful for an event movie.
"Fox have said that they want to build a cohesive universe and I’d personally like this to work in complement to the Marvel one," he told SFX.
"It would be cool if these universes didn’t contradict each other so if you went to see Spidey, The Avengers, the X-Men, etc, as a viewer you would have no idea that all three are coming from different studios. I’d love to make it look like they’re all just happening in one place."
Excting, no? But Millar also warned fans not to get ahead of themselves, adding: "I don’t think it’s something anyone would want to rush into."