WWF SmackDown! Just Bring It Cheats

WWF SmackDown! Just Bring It Unlockables

  • PS2 | Submitted by JLMitchell1649

    Unlock InsurreXtion Arena

    1.Choose anyone who dont hold a title.
    2. Say u dont want to form tag team to vince
    3. Run down and attack (if u win u have an advantage in following match. KO them to win)
    4. Lose Match
    5. Stay Backstage
    6. Go to Earl Hebner (He will be by the vending machines in the lobby)
    7. talk to earl hebner and say "Hi earl how are you doing?" (He will take you to regal)
    8. say you would rather have a european title match
    9. Win match at insureXtion
    10. Win following match
    11. InsureXtion unlocked

  • PS2 | Submitted by JLMitchell1649

    Unlock Theator Mode Movies

    When you win WWF title at Wrestlemania, you unlock 5 movies in Theator Mode, they are
    1. SmackDown! Commercial
    2. Making Of SmackDown! Commercial
    3. SmackDown!2: Know Your Role Commercial
    4. Making Of SmackDown!2: Know Your Role Commercial
    5. Credits
    6. Dark Summit Trailer (All ready avaliable)
    7. Recent Greatest SmackDown Moments

  • PS2 | Submitted by JLMitchell1649

    Unlock Last Man Standing, Street Fight and Ultimate Submission

    Go the route to Wrestlemania during that route you will come across haveing a choice between 3 matches. do this 3 times choosing a different match each time. win the match to unlock it once u finish the story.

  • PS2 | Submitted by JLMitchell1649

    Unlock Shane McMahon And Stephanie McMahon Helmsley

    To do this you need to unlock all the smackdown cards. if you have unlocked all the above. go through one of them again to get to Wrestlemania. you will unlock about 3 to 4 cards each time. another way to do it is to defend a belt. each time u defend you unlock a card. however when u are left with about 3 cards left (Shane and Stephs cards included) you will need to go through story mode and win wwf title at wrestlemania.
    1. Choose anyone who dont hold a title.
    2. Say u dont want to form tag team to vince
    3. Talk trash
    4. Say you want to kick his ass
    5. Go to Parking lot to find vince
    6. Win match
    7. show up on stage
    8. win match
    9. win match at wrestlemania

  • PS2 | Submitted by JLMitchell1649

    Unlock New SmackDown Arena

    1. Choose Slobberknock
    2. Choose The Rock
    3. Beat 17 people in the 10 minutes
    (May be 18 people I beat 18 but others have said 17 is enough)

  • PS2 | Submitted by JLMitchell1649

    Unlock Rhyno

    1.Choose anyone who dont hold a title.
    2. Say u dont want to form tag team to vince
    3. Run down and attack (if u win u have an advantage in following match. KO them to win)
    4. Lose Match
    5. Stay Backstage
    6. Go to Earl Hebner (He will be by the vending machines in the lobby)
    7. Tell him you are going after hard core title
    8. Beat Rhyno
    9. Rhyno is unlocked

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlock Tajiri

    1.Choose anyone who dont hold a title.
    2. Say u dont want to form tag team to vince
    3. Talk trash on mic
    4. say u were messing
    5. to get to regals office go down stairs on left then go in to the door on left before the vending machines. then first on left is regals office.
    6. say u dont want Euro title match
    7. Beat tajiri
    8. tajiri is unlocked

  • PS2 | Submitted by JLMitchell1649

    Unlock Fred Durst

    1. Choose Slobberknock
    2. Choose Undertaker
    3. Beat 15 people in the 10 minutes

  • PS2 | Submitted by JLMitchell1649

    Unlock Mick Foley

    1. Choose anyone who dont hold a title.
    2. Say u dont want to form tag team to vince
    3. Talk trash
    4. Say you want to kick his ass
    5. Go to Parking lot to find vince
    6. Win match
    7. show up on stage
    8. win match
    9. lose match at wrestlemania
    10. Foley comes out and makes it HIAC
    11. Win hell in a cell match
    12. Mick Foley unlocked

  • PS2 | Submitted by JLMitchell1649

    Unlock Jerry Lynn

    1. Choose anyone who dont hold a title.
    2. Say u dont want to form tag team to vince
    3. talk trash on mic
    4. say you where just messing
    5. let time run out in roaming
    6. win battle royal
    7. Stay backstage
    7. let time run out in roaming
    8. win battle royal
    9. Jerry Lynn unlocked

  • PS2 | Submitted by JLMitchell1649

    Unlock Wrestlemania X-7 Arena

    This is unlocked when you win the WWF title so u may allready have unlocked this...
    1. Choose anyone who dont hold a title.
    2. Say u dont want to form tag team to vince
    3. Talk trash
    4. Say you want to kick his ass
    5. Go to Parking lot to find vince
    6. Win match
    7. show up on stage
    8. win match
    9. win match at wrestlemania

  • PS2 | Submitted by JLMitchell1649

    Unlock Spike Dudley

    1. Accept Tag Team Match
    2. Find anyone
    3. Win match
    4. Get your partner to find the 3rd partner for 6 man tag
    5. Go to the corridor where the APA office is (Door Opposite vending machines in lobby)
    6. Help Spike
    7. Win tag table match
    8. Win Tag team title match
    9 Spike Unlocked

WWF SmackDown! Just Bring It Hints

  • PS2 | Submitted by Daniel Hernandez

    IC Title, Hardcore Title, lighthevyweight Title

    1.Don't accept the tag title match.
    2.Talk trash on the Microphone.
    3.Say you want to kick his butt.
    4.Stay backstage.
    Then Micheal Cole will tell you that William is waiting for you!Find Earl Hebner,NOW LISTEN UP!!:To get the Hardcore Title say you are going after the the guy.To get the IC Title, which is the Intercontentel belt,tell Hebner How are you.To get the LightHevyWeight Title Tell Regal You are more interested in the lighthevyweight belt then the IC!! P.S sorry for the long long paragraph,ENJOY!!!

  • PS2 | Submitted by ChibiTrunks1

    Get new WWF Smackdown! "Silver Fist" arena

    Go to SlobberKnocker and pick The Rock beat 15 superstars and at the end of match it will say that you unlocked the new arena

  • PS2 | Submitted by JLMitchell1649

    The Smackdown Cards

    The SmackDown! Cards
    1. Fred durst
    2. Mick foley
    3. Tajiri
    4. Rhyno
    5. Jerry lynn
    6. Spike Dudley
    7. Last Man Standing Match
    8. Street fight
    9. Submission match
    10. Wrestlemania X-7 Arena
    11. InsurreXtion Arena
    12. 55 Extra Ability points for CAW.
    13 to 32 are new movesets. (RVD, Booker T, etc.)
    33. Theator Mode Movies
    34. Original Entrance music for CAW
    35. Original Entrance music for CAW
    36. New SmackDown Arena
    37. 10 paint parts
    38. 8 mask parts
    39. 8 item parts
    40. 8 sleeve parts
    41. 9 t-shirt parts
    42. 5 wrist band parts
    43. 6 elbow pad parts
    44. 4 glove parts
    45. 10 pattern parts
    46. 8 shoe parts
    47. 8 tights parts
    48. 10 belt parts
    49. 5 mini skirt parts
    50. 9 long skirt parts
    51. Shane McMahon
    52. Stephanie McMahon Helmsley

  • PS2 | Submitted by rapmaster sexy

    6 easy 2 get weapons

    1:The Camera next to taz(near the left commentary table).
    2:steps,top right hand corner of the ring,run into them (or whip your opponent into them)and you will get the top half of them as a weapon.
    3:same only the steps are at the bottom left hand side of the ring.
    4:go into the left hand side of the crowd crowd(by pressing triangle) and there will be a crate.
    5:same-but right had side of the crowd there is a mop(Perry Saturns moppy!)
    6:go to the top of the ramp and go left, there is a fire extinguisher(you have to throw the weapon back onto the ramp or titantron[stage]before you get back up onto it.

  • PS2 | Submitted by Michael Readings

    Change Superstars Music And Finishers

    To change music for any superstar in the game, go to create mode, then select superstars and choose the superstar of your choice! You can change Stone Cold's Music back to his older version or change the Big Show's Finisher back to the show stopper.

  • PS2 | Submitted by Master Mike S

    5 Easy 2 Get Weapons

    1:The Camera Next To Taz
    2:The Steps {run yourself into them and you'll get a part}
    3:Go To The Right Side of the screen and you'll get a mop in the crowd(The mop is Moppy)
    4:Go on the right side in the crowd to get a wooden Box
    5:The Other Steps {run yourself into them and you'll get a part}

  • PS2 | Submitted by ILS

    Easy Way to Get on Top of cell in Hell in the Cell!!

    Make sure the player you picked has some kind of flip off the turnbuckle. After this get on the turnbuckle and do the flip. You should end up finishing the move on top of the cage.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    WWF Title

    Refuse Vince's offer to form a tag-team, talk trash on the microphone to the first person who comes to the ring. Tell Michael Cole you want to "kick his a#$ all over the arena" and Find Vince in the parking lot to get the match. Win that match. Show up on stage when the next super star calls you out, and defeat him in any of the three matches he offers (Which ever one you choose will unlock that match type) this will take you to a match with the current WWF champion

WWF SmackDown! Just Bring It Cheats

  • PS2 | Submitted by linkin park fan

    Forget Stone Cold

    At wrestlemania you don't have to fight you're fight against Stone Cold just press exit game and when it asks you for a rematch press no and then Mc Foley will come out and says rematch in a Hell in the Cell then you have to win that fight and once you win you unlock 5 new things.
    Unknown Wrestlers movelist
    1 NCDP - Diamond Dallas Page
    2 NCBT - Booker T
    3 EMA - Mike Awesome
    4 ERV - Rob Van Dam
    5 ELS - Lance Storm
    6 NCSO - Sean O'Haire
    7 NCBK - Billy Kidman
    8 NCHH - Hurricane Helms
    9 WGM - Grandmaster Sexay
    10 WS2 - Scotty 2 Hottie
    11 WXP - X-Pac
    12 EJC - Justin Credible
    13 WAS - Al Snow
    14 WVV - Val Venis
    15 WGF - Godfather/Goodfather
    16 WTM - Taka
    17 WFU - Funaki
    18 WDB - D'Lo Brown
    19 WKK - K-Kwick
    20 WER - Essa Rios
    21 WBM - Big Bossman
    22 WGG - Gangrel
    23 ZAG - Andre The Giant
    24 WSM - Shawn Michaels
    25 ZSS - Sgt. Slaughter
    26 ZBB - Bob Backlund
    27 WRD - Road Dogg
    28 CRF - Ric Flair
    29 CKN - Kevin Nash
    30 CSH - Scott Hall
    31 CBG - Goldberg
    32 CST - Sting
    33 CHH - Hulk Hogan
    34 CJJ - Jeff Jarrett
    35 CSS - Scott Steiner
    36 JIDA
    37 JIDB
    38 MEX - A Generic Luchadore
    39 NJMC - Masahiro Chono
    40 ZOSH - Shinya Hashimoto
    41 NJKS - Kensuke Sasaki
    42 NJHT - Hiroyoshi Tenzan
    43 NJKM - Keiji Mutoh
    44 NJMN - Manabu Nakanishi
    45 NJYN - Yuji Nagata
    46 NJJL - Jyushin Thunder Lyger
    47 MGS - Great Susake
    48 NJKK - Kendo Ka Shin
    49 NOVD - Vader
    50 NOMM - Mitsuharu Misawa
    51 NOKK - Kenta Kobashi
    52 NOJA - Jun Akimaya
    53 AJTK - Toshiaki Kawada
    54 AJGT - Genichiro Tenryu
    55 JAO - Atsushi Onita
    57 PNO - Naoya Ogawa
    58 PAT - Akira Taue
    59 PGP - Giant Shohei Baba????
    60 LKS - Ken Shamrock
    61 DLTF - Terry Funk
    62 CHKF - Generic Kung Fu

  • PS2 | Submitted by Jake

    Get Into the crowd that you can't get into

    Go in any match that has got a ladder in it throw the ladder over the security wall set the ladder up near the crowd you climb up the side next to the crowd and get your friend to climb up the other side suplex your friend into the crowd

  • PS2 | Submitted by Graeme Barnes

    Play as Limp Bizkit frontman Fred Durst!

    Pick Undertaker in Slobberknocker mode and defeat 15 wrestlers. It is hard but it is worth it.

  • PS2 | Submitted by HELL ELL


    Spike Dudley:bump into him on story mode.
    Jerry Lynn:bump into him on story mode.
    Tajri:bump into him on story mode.
    Rhyno:bump into him on story mode.
    Stephanie:open all the secret cards and win the title match on story mode
    Earl Hebner:he is the referee in matches plus you can attack him but you do take the risk of being dq'd.
    Michael Cole:he will appear in story mode.
    limp Bizkit:be Undertaker and beet 15 different wrestlers.

  • PS2 | Submitted by BabyBobs

    Get of Cell without winning match

    To get out of the cell (the one with no roof!)just get your mate to climb the right side of the cell. At the same time climb the front bit of the cage. When you reach the top, jump at your mate (by pressing x). In this you should hit him out of the cage. Then just get him/her to pull u out the cage. u should be pulled out as is there was no cage.

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