World of the Dead: The Zombie Diaries review

Shakey-cam at the ready, it's another zombie apocalypse!

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Zombies can’t keep diaries, but if they did they’d be pretty repetitive, something Kevin Gates and Michael Bartlett’s ambitious sequel to their 2006 DV horror could also be accused of.

Following a unit of soldiers across post-apocalyptic England’s snowy, corpse-strewn wastelands, it’s shot first-person, shakey-cam style.

Despite an extremely bleak world view, with nods to Schindler’s List, and prolonged sexual torture, we’ve seen this umpteen times before, but the excellent camerawork lends proceedings an urgency some elements don’t deserve.

Freelance Writer

Matt Glasby is a freelance film and TV journalist. You can find his work on Total Film - in print and online - as well as at publications like the Radio Times, Channel 4, DVD REview, Flicks, GQ, Hotdog, Little White Lies, and SFX, among others. He is also the author of several novels, including The Book of Horror: The Anatomy of Fear in Film and Britpop Cinema: From Trainspotting To This Is England.