World of Nintendo

11) Mega papercraft

We spotted this gem among many very nice pieces of elaborate papercraft. It’s Cutman from the first Mega Man game. He looks so happy to have a razor-sharp pair of scissors on his head; otherpapercraftcreations aren’t so pleased with them.

12) Shiny DS

A few lucky Japanese Club Nintendo members were sent these special limited edition DS consoles – 1,000 of each in silver, black or rose colours. They’re made of mirrored metal and so can never be touched. You can see the guy’s reflection in the photo there. Naturally a whole load of them have gone up on eBay, and if you can spare about a few hundred bucks you can have one of your own.

13) Pac dress

Fashion designer Giles Deacon is well known to readers of Vogue. Presumably fed up with being marginalised, he’s making a name for himself in the world of games, thanks to a collection of Pac Man frocks and bizarre headgear.

14) Bubble Bobble live

Anyone can make a decent tune withKorg DS-10– that’s the beauty of the thing. But to stand out from the crowd you have to do a little extra, which is why this guy has recorded his version of the theme from Bubble Bobble using a Korg DS-10 cart and a glockenspiel.

15) Korg Mario Galaxy

Here’s a Korg DS-10 tune that could serve as an example of how not to do it. Not only is there a complete lack of glockenspiel in this one, there’s also the damning admission from the composer that half the track is missing “due to hardware limitations”. Get yourself another DS and another cart then link them up and try again.

Freelance Journalist

Martin Kitts is a veteran of the video game journalism field, having worked his way up through the ranks at N64 magazine and into its iterations as NGC and NGamer. Martin has contributed to countless other publications over the years, including 12DOVE, GamesMaster, and Official Xbox Magazine.