World of Nintendo

6) Ace attorney concert

Got an unhealthy obsession with Phoenix Wright’s legal adventures? We don't object to this collection of YouTube video highlights from the Ace Attorney Special Courtroom 2008 Orchestral Concert. Very nice indeed.

7) Master cake

No doubt about it, this is the best Nintendo wedding cake we’ve ever seen. The theme is Mario Kart, and since it’s the Wii version it breaks our strict ‘no bikes’ rule, and things go a bit Rainbow Road towards the upper part. Amazing work, though.

8) Pika cake

If commissioning a bespoke Nintendo cake is beyond your means, here’s a slightly more modest commercial equivalent that’s available to buy in the shops. Japanese shops. With postage, it’ll probably cost a fortune and will arrive as a shaken-up mush of crumbs and icing.

9) Gamer grub

Patronising product launch of the year: Gamer Grub, the ‘cognitive performance snack food’ for gamers. It promises no crumbs and no sticky fingers, thanks to an ergonomic tub that you can grab and tip down your throat as you play. What’s wrong with just using the pause button and making some proper food? Next thing you know, somebody will be marketing special gaming vitamin supplements. Oh…

10) Muscle Luigi

This isn’t one of those ‘what if such and such a character was real’ efforts. It’s actually a wrestling figure customised with modelling clay to form a muscle-bound Village Person of a Luigi statue.

Freelance Journalist

Martin Kitts is a veteran of the video game journalism field, having worked his way up through the ranks at N64 magazine and into its iterations as NGC and NGamer. Martin has contributed to countless other publications over the years, including 12DOVE, GamesMaster, and Official Xbox Magazine.