World of Nintendo

This month’s selection of internet oddness and amazing finds (tins of sweets!) proves once again that the Nintendo community is RELENTLESS in its devotion. Does anyone go to all this trouble to celebrate any other mega-rich Japanese corporation? Of course not, although if Kansai Denki and JR East hadbetter mascots, they might stand a chance…

1) Bejeweled wedding

Remember that chap who proposed to his girlfriend using a hacked version of Bejeweled on DS that revealed a puzzle shaped like an engagement ring? Guess what happened next. A) she realised Tetris was better, and dumped him. B) He got sued by the Bejeweled creators for pirating their game. C) The Bejeweled creators bought them a DS-shaped wedding cake and (legit) copies of the game for all their guests…

2)TV remote sensor bar

Wouldn’t it be cool if you invited some friends over to play Wii and they couldn’t see the sensor bar? They’d be amazed! They’d bow before your magic console and worship you as a god, but only you would know that it’s all done with smoke and mirrors and a hacked-up TV remote.

3) Mushroom sweets

A friend sent us this mysterious mushroom toy. Crack open its jaunty metal head and there are mushroom-shaped sour cherry sweets inside. They taste of carpet fluff and sawdust glued together with saccharine, but not in an entirely unpleasant way.


Homemade portable consoles have been done before. What you need to do is combine your old games machines with kitchen appliances. This one is a NES in a toaster – keep an eye on the website to see if its creator recombines the leftover parts to make the natural companion piece, a toaster in a NES.

5)Guitar Hero DS hack

Guitar Hero: Arthritis Edition (aka Guitar Hero On Tour) isn’t the most comfortable thing to play for any extended period of time. But if you’ve got an old PS2 guitar, you can turn it into something that will, erm, give you neck-cramp from straining down to see the screen all the time. There are instructional photoshereand a video of the rock monster in action atYouTube.

Freelance Journalist

Martin Kitts is a veteran of the video game journalism field, having worked his way up through the ranks at N64 magazine and into its iterations as NGC and NGamer. Martin has contributed to countless other publications over the years, including 12DOVE, GamesMaster, and Official Xbox Magazine.