World of Nintendo

16)Stairway to NES
While Dr. McNegative may try to point out that the same effect can be created by taping the remote and Nunchuck to your hands, or that it's impossible to navigate and select menu options with the remote tightly packed in a glove, we're not so mean as to mercilessly shoot this "innovation" down. If you want a proper flailing experience, without threat of sweat-slippage remote flinging, then these handy gloves should do the job nicely. Fight!

17)Customized F-Zero X
The marvelous F-Zero X is kicking up a 1,000mph storm on Virtual Console right now, but in the unlikely event that you've mastered all the built-in courses and grown tired of the random track generator, this video shows what's possible with the track editor included in the Japan-only expansion pack for the original N64 game. People have got the whole thing working on emulators - naughty, but it's the only way.

18)Wii Sports tennis superstar
By way of proof that Nintendo's designers didn't contemplate quite how good players would get at Wii Sports, this person's rating graph has burst clean off the chart and is heading for the top of the TV. If it actually pops off the screen, it could start a chain reaction igniting all the oxygen in the earth's atmosphere. So we're told.

19)Make that DS Lite shine
Irritated by Nintendo's blatant negligence in not making the buttons of the DS Lite glow in the dark, somebody on the forum has come up with a home-made solution. He used a drill to thin the plastic on the underside of the buttons, until the gray outline of the lettering could just be seen, then installed four blue LEDs for maximum brightness. Another person has tried it with black buttons and red LEDs, which weimagine looks even better.

20)C'mon everybody, let's do the Yoshi
The only thing wrong with Yoshi, apart from the fact "he" lays eggs, is that he hardly ever dances. What's his problem? Does he have something to hide? Anyway, there's a cure for Yoshi's problem out there, in the form of a music visualizer called Yoshi Pump. See it for yourself, and if it doesn't make you laugh, we do apologize.

Freelance Journalist

Martin Kitts is a veteran of the video game journalism field, having worked his way up through the ranks at N64 magazine and into its iterations as NGC and NGamer. Martin has contributed to countless other publications over the years, including 12DOVE, GamesMaster, and Official Xbox Magazine.