World in Conflict

Sonic booms break the stillness, followed by the screeching sound of fighter jet engines. A closer boom rattles the shelves and a descending high-pitched tone indicates an incoming missile. Wondering what’s going on, you stumble outside before gasping in shock. Parachutes fill the air and in the distance, Russian tanks rumble over countryside. An explosion hits a nearby house - one thing’s for sure - the Cold War hasn’t ended; it’s only just begun.

That’s the setting for World in Conflict and it’s a huge departure from Massive’s normal sphere of story-telling, namely sci-fi and its world of intergalactic plotting and alien races intent on human destruction.

Russia, on the brink of economic ruin, has decided to go all-out and invade Western Europe before turning their attention to America. But, as Massive’s president Martin Walfisz is keen to point out, they’re not just cobbling together any load of old crap to explain why the Cold War has gone so differently this time round.