Winter Sports 2: The Next Challenge review

Which means enough people bought the first game…

12DOVE Verdict


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    Nine different events

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    Skeleton bob is cool

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    Curling works well


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    Most events are not fun

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    Convoluted control system

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    Splits attention between screens poorly

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Winter is finally on its way out so, of course, what game would we possibly like to play more in the sun than one filled with brrr-inducing snow and ice?

Even without the chill factor, though, we wouldn’t suggest you queue up like bobsleighers to jump aboard this game. The nine events it includes are too mixed a bunch with only a handful, like the skeleton bob and curling, being moderately fun while ski jumping, speed skating and others fall spectacularly on their backsides. The control system is too convoluted, demanding you tap random icons, balance balls and steer tricky paths on the touchscreen while somehow keeping an eye on the top screen action, too. It’s altogether way too frustrating to play for long.

Apr 15, 2009

More info

DescriptionWith nine different events, most of which are not fun, there is no real reason you should spend a lot of time on this game. Unless you really enjoy curling.
Platform"DS","Wii","Xbox 360"
US censor rating"Everyone","Everyone","Everyone"
UK censor rating"3+","3+","3+"
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)