WIN! Four Legoland tickets, worth £148!

To celebrate the launch of three brand new kids magazines, we’re giving away four Legoland tickets worth £148, for you and the family. It’s guaranteed to put a smile on the faces of your darling little cherubs during the long summer holidays.

Not got children? No problem. Legoland’s an amazing day out for big kids too. Or give it to someone as a birthday present and pretend you really like them...

Our highly-unusual generosity is linked to the launch of three new mags for kids: Minecraft Mayhem, Your Gaming Heroes, and Your Comic Heroes. As well as being made by some of the excellent people in our office, they’re crammed with free gifts too. We’ve already scared the cleaners using the free Spider-Man mask...

Minecraft Mayhem is all about Mojang and Microsoft’s finest; issue 1 comes complete with Minecraft posters, a YouTube stars supplement, and a PS4 controller decal.

Your Gaming Heroes is a celebration of all things gaming for 8-12 year olds. Issue 1 is a Lego Star Wars special, with Force Awakens posters and PS4 controller decal.

Your Comic Heroes is crammed with the world’s best superheroes from film, TV, and comics. As well as a supplement on how to draw your own superhero, it comes with a double sided Star Wars poster and a Spider-Man mask.

All three mags are out now, priced £3.99. Go get ‘em.

To enter the competition to win Legoland tickets, answer the question below…

What gift comes with new kids mag Your Comic Heroes?

A/ Batman mask

B/ Supergirl mask

C/ Spider-Man mask

12DOVE was first founded in 1999, and since then has been dedicated to delivering video game-related news, reviews, previews, features, and more. Since late 2014, the website has been the online home of Total Film, SFX, Edge, and PLAY magazines, with comics site Newsarama joining the fold in 2020. Our aim as the global GamesRadar Staff team is to take you closer to the games, movies, TV shows, and comics that you love. We want to upgrade your downtime, and help you make the most of your time, money, and skills. We always aim to entertain, inform, and inspire through our mix of content - which includes news, reviews, features, tips, buying guides, and videos.