Win a REAL Fender Precision Bass Guitar

We the proud musicians who don’t actually play a real instrument, yet still demand the ability to rock the hell out are in for a real treat thanks to our buddies at Mad Catz. Rock Band’s guitar buttons too click-clackity? Guitar Hero’s strum bar too squeaky? Screw ‘em.Mad Catzhas the solution to your fake guitar woes and we’re giving you a chance to win a Fender Precision Bass Guitar and three sister Replicas for your Xbox 360.

Bass players rejoice! All four of the models we’re giving away feature the amazing colossal Split-Strum Bar. No longer will four-string samurais have to make due, because each Precision Bass allows the player to diddle the dubs with two fingers at a time! And we’re happy to say, it finally changes the instrument's dynamics into an experience all its own, easily pushing the entire Rock Band bass mode well beyond just a guitar session with different notes.

Take a look at that grand prize! Your eyes do not deceive you. This is a bonafide Fender Precision Bass guitar in both size and scale. Built from real-deal bass guitar components, you’ve got an authentic bridge, tuning keys, and an immensely classy wooden body. This bad boy’s got the heft and feel of the genuine article, plus it adds a touch of sophistication to that mounting pile of plastic instruments that’s making our living room look like a preschool playroom.

One grand prize winner will take away the real deal Fender, BUT we’ve also got three Replica Precision Bass guitars to give away as runner-up prizes for your Xbox 360! So howdo you win this thing? Well... how bad do you want it? Send us a picture with your most pathetic substitute for the criminally snazzy Fender Precision Bass Guitar to [email protected]. Here’s ours:

Above: Poor Brett Elston and Sweepy Shredder is always the band Eeyore

To enter, email your picture entry to [email protected] by November 19th.

The US resident of qualifying age with the saddest guitar entry (uniqueness and humor will be taken into account) entry will win the instrument(s). The replicas retail for around $69.99, but the bigdog runs around $200 and isn’t even available until early 2009 -so get crackin! And feel free to post your picture inour forumsfor maximum bragging rights.

Be sure to peep our video to see the thing in action, or go tomadcatz.comto find out more.

Click to the next page for enough legal jargon to make your head spin.