Wild Salom review

Wilde Pacino

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“I’m doing a play, a movie of the play and a documentary all at the same time,” sighs a stressed-out Al Pacino. This is the doc, poking its inquisitive nose into rehearsals but also offering a whistle-stop tour through the life of Oscar Wilde. Pacino treks from London to Paris to the Mojave Desert to better understand the man and his play, teasing out sexual and spiritual themes.

Like Pacino’s Shakespeare rumination Looking For Richard (1996), Wilde Salomé is passionate and absorbing, though the insertion of lengthy clips from the film might irk viewers who’ve just watched it.

Editor-at-Large, Total Film

Jamie Graham is the Editor-at-Large of Total Film magazine. You'll likely find them around these parts reviewing the biggest films on the planet and speaking to some of the biggest stars in the business – that's just what Jamie does. Jamie has also written for outlets like SFX and the Sunday Times Culture, and appeared on podcasts exploring the wondrous worlds of occult and horror.