Wii Chess review

Full price for this? We're being rooked

12DOVE Verdict


  • +

    Chess itself is great

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    Replay of saved games is nice

  • +

    AI difficulty has good curve


  • -

    Awful elevator music

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    personality-free 2D graphics

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    Poor controls

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Precious few details about Wii Chess were disclosed to the press prior to its release, but we could just imagine what those fun-wielding maniacs at Nintendo would come up with. The old playing pieces of yore abandoned in favour of Nintendo-themed chess sets, with cute little animations as a bishop-Link slices a Toad-pawn in half, for example. Even accounting for the fact that it comes from the more po-faced ‘Wii Something-Or-Other’ lineage, there’s still scope for charm, with customisable sets drawing from the Mii Channel, letting us move pieces round with the same head-tweezer technique seen in the Mii Plaza.

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DescriptionDespite being fundamentally solid, there aren't enough features here to make Wii Chess a viable buy.
US censor rating""
UK censor rating"3+"
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)