Why Resident Evil: Revelations could be better than Resi 5

Resi’s batting average on portable formats is frankly shit. So far, we’ve been treated to the horrors of the GBA’s Gaiden and a shoddy iPhone port of the best game in the series.

Thankfully, it looks like the 3DS and Revelations could change all that. With a terrifically moody setting, interesting plot dynamics and the prospect of 3D scares, we’re hopeful this will top the last, slightly disappointing African adventure. See the new trailer for yourself below.

3D could revitalise survival horror

We’re becoming increasingly certain that 3D ain’t no gimmick. In fact, we honestly think it could soon become as important to games as HD. And there's no genre that would benefit from the new tech more than survival horror.

Above: A terrifying prospect... in a good way

Just imagine a Licker lunging out from you in the dark, but because it's being rendered in 3D, the damn thing appears to be jumping out of the screen at you. In terms of delivering a new level of tension and scares, the 3DS could yet be a revelation.

It looks like the environment is actually suited to y’know, horror

Let's just pause for a minute and reflect on Resi 5's primary location. The African setting simply wasn't scary. Oh sure, you had the occasional dimly lit mine and cave filled with weird-ass flowers. But the sun-kissed shanty towns that made up much of the game just didn't lend themselves to creating a tense atmosphere.

Above: The scariest ship since the Love Boat

From what we've seen of Revelations, it looks firmly set to return the series to its horror roots. The shots released so far reveal a tanker location (similar to the small section in the fifth game) and a spooky corridor, akin to the ones seen in the mansion from Lost in Nightmares. At any rate, they look like environments we might actually shit our little knickers having to navigate through at night.

So in summary, this...

Is scarier than this...

David Meikleham
Google AMP Stories Editor

David has worked for Future under many guises, including for 12DOVE and the Official Xbox Magazine. He is currently the Google Stories Editor for GamesRadar and PC Gamer, which sees him making daily video Stories content for both websites. David also regularly writes features, guides, and reviews for both brands too.