Why Call of Duty: Black Ops can kick Modern Warfare 2’s ass

And crucially, outside of the 'Nam, it's one that's not been covered much in games. The rumoured locations should be mega varied in terms of both their climate and layout. At any rate, they'll hopefully bemore interesting than holing up in a terrorists’ cabin in the woods or the samey desert section from the end of MW2.

We won’t argue Infinity Ward’s FPS had some kick-ass levels. Seeing the Washington Monument in tatters under a crimson sky and storming the Gulag were shitting brilliant. But we think the varied jungles and marshlands of Vietnam, contrasted by frozen Arctic levels and sun-kissed battles on the streets of Cubacould make for more geographically interesting (Oi, stay with us!), tense levels.

Above: We're sure Black Ops will be exactly this intense

Just imagine getting onset by a group of camouflaged North Vietnamese soldiers in the middle of a jungle during a torrential storm, flyingthrough an Arctic blizzard in a copteror firing napalm on a riverboat, as you dodge hostile gunfire from the surrounding banks. The locations could provide one of the most dynamic and varied settings we’ve seen in an FPS.

Even though Treyarch was essentially just making small tweaks to the awesome engine Infinity Ward built in Modern Warfare for WaW, it was still a beautiful game. Waking up in a canal in the middle of Stalingrad as your Russian buddies get pumped full of German lead, admiring your sun-kissed surroundings during the Battle of Peleliu; it looked real purdy. Well, when Japanese men weren’t trying to shiv you in the spine with their bayonets.

Above: Black Ops will be exactly this jaw-dropping. Although granted, there'll probably be more explosions and shit

With that in mind, Black Ops will surely build on MW2’s tech, with the two developers still sharing technology. Expect refined lighting and particle effects, coupled with the silky smooth play and refined weapon handling that’s always assured when porting anything from Infinity Ward. Like we’ve already mentioned, the setting could also allow Black Ops’ artistic design to match all the technically voodoo wizardry.

F*ck yes!

Above: Correction. F*ck yes to the power of fourteen billion

Apr 30, 2010

David Meikleham
Google AMP Stories Editor

David has worked for Future under many guises, including for 12DOVE and the Official Xbox Magazine. He is currently the Google Stories Editor for GamesRadar and PC Gamer, which sees him making daily video Stories content for both websites. David also regularly writes features, guides, and reviews for both brands too.