Dialogue Options: Which games never fail to make you cry?

Get the tissues at the ready, because this week some of the GamesRadar team are sitting down to talk about the games that never fail to make us cry. US managing editor Rachel Weber, guides coordinator Leon Hurley and video producer Ellen Causey sit down in their respective homes and open up about the game moments that get us watery-eyed. From the multitude of sad stories in What Remains of Edith Finch, to surprise tear-jerkers like Marvel’s Spider-Man, some hold a special place in our heart, whilst others just broke it into a million pieces. 

Warning: In this weeks video we discuss plot points of Red Dead Redemption 2, Marvel’s Spider-Man, Oxenfree, Arise: A Simple Story and What Remains of Edith Finch

We also delve into the difference between games with sad cutscenes and plot lines, to those that make you play through the sad moments yourself. Leon mentions Piccolo Studio’s Arise: A Simple Story, for example, which cleverly has you navigate through the highs and lows of an old man's life yourself, leaving you unable to shy away from the sad moments. It’s not all death and despair, though, as the team also discusses how games that end with everyone coming together to fight against a common enemy can bring on the tears in a different way, seeing the individuals you met throughout your journey return to help can sometimes bring on happy tears, rather than outright heartbreak. But regardless of whether they’re happy tears or sad tears, sometimes it’s just nice to have a big old cry, isn’t it?

The games that leave us a blubbering mess might not be the same for you, though, so be sure to let us know what games you always cry at in the comments below or on our Youtube channel.

Video Producer

Ellen Causey is the former Video Producer of 12DOVE. She was chiefly responsible for recording voice overs and presenting videos for you lovely lot on a daily basis across GR's YouTube and Twitch channels. Ellen can now be found directing, editing, scripting, and producing video content for the wider games industry, and is currently creating fresh and original work for the fine folks over at Logitech G.