Where's Tingle? Can you find Link's buddy in these 10 screens?

Never mind Waldo... where's Tingle?
You all know Tingle, right? Little fairy chap with a constantly booze-nose and a magic stick. Hangs around with Link. Wears a clock around his neck like Flavor Flav from Public Enemy. Yeah, you know Tingle. Anyway, he's back--and he's in HD--for Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker on Wii U, and we want to celebrate the fact.
So, basically, we've hidden the little green ankle-biter in 10 screenshots from well-known games. Can you spot Tingle in all 10? Don't forget: you can enlarge each image by clicking in the top right of the screen. There's no prize for the first person to spot him in every screenshot!

1. The Sims 3: Island Paradise
Let's start with an easy one. Can you find Tingle in this underwater screenshot? Quickly, he's running out of breath...

2. Dead Rising
You don't need to use your braaaaaaains for this one. Just your eyesight. And maybe the zoom function in the top-right of the screen.

3. Assassin's Creed 2
Tingle has turned up at Carnevale, just in time to watch Ezio stab up some Venetians in Assassin's Creed 2. Can you spot him amongst all the fan-fare?

4. NHL 14
Sometimes Tingle just likes to get out of the house, meet up with some buddies, watch ice hockey, and fight burly Canadian strangers.

5. Diablo 3
Tingle loves a good dungeon-crawler. Did you know that his Gamertag is 'Biff_Lord_X' and that he's been banned from Call of Duty for 'inappropriate language'. Fact*.
*Not a fact

6. Hitman Absolution
Poor Tingle. He's on Agent 47's target list after busting into Diana Burnwood's house and smashing up all her pots. He's well hidden, sure, but 47 has the patience of a panther. A panther with a sniper rifle.

7. Okami
When Issun quit Okami HD due to 'creative differences' with Ametarasu, Tingle was hired to assume the role of irritating sidekick. He's in here somewhere...

8. Shogun Total War 2
Tingle loves the smell of gunpowder and burning flesh. Fact*. That's why he's magically teleported back to feudal Japan, to revel in the stench of a pitched battle.
*Not a fact.

9. Viva Pinata
Sometimes Tingle just likes to relax in his garden, mixing it with the wildlife, and planting veg in his little patch. Ah, the simple life...

10. Far Cry
Jason Brody? He's got NOTHING on Tingle: the real master of jungle survival. Ok, we'll level with you--this one is really difficult.

Oh god! Kratos, NO!
Ouch, looks like the God of War is pretty angry that he can't find Tingle in that Far Cry 3 screenshot. Calm down, Kratos--you'll find him soon enough. Did you try enlarging the screen by clicking in the top right? What? You broke your mouse? Well, honestly, what are we going to do with you, Kratos?
Want to test your gaming mettle in another of GamesRadar's infamous quiz features? See if you can identify the 10 Most Generic Video Game Heroes. Oh, right, you actually want to read about Zelda. Hmm. Well, here's our Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD review. Splooosh!

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