Whatever Happened To Baby Jane? review

Re-release of the classic psychological thriller

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Bette Davis and Joan Crawford legendarily sparred during filming of this 1962 psychological thriller that spawned decades of bunny-boilers.

And it shows in the deliciously grotesque and antagonistic performances, the diva duo playing former child star siblings now grown old.

Baby Jane (Davis) abuses her disabled sister Blanche (Crawford) while clinging to her past with a creepy psychotic zeal.

WHTBJ remains a masterclass in ‘uglying up’ and a relevant comment on the destructive nature of celebrity. Lohan, take note.

Contributing Editor, Total Film

Jane Crowther is a contributing editor to Total Film magazine, having formerly been the longtime Editor, as well as serving as the Editor-in-Chief of the Film Group here at Future Plc, which covers Total Film, SFX, and numerous TV and women's interest brands. Jane is also the vice-chair of The Critics' Circle and a BAFTA member. You'll find Jane on 12DOVE exploring the biggest movies in the world and living up to her reputation as one of the most authoritative voices on film in the industry.