What if Deadpool directed other superheroes’ movies?

Deadpool is out on DVD and Blu-ray this week (well, in the US at least - UK audiences have to wait another month!), so obviously I’ve been remembering everything that made the world love Ryan Reynolds as a superhero again. All the... erm, it was... well, ok, it was mostly just his foul mouth. With the news that Deadpool’s long term frenemy Wolverine will be following in his R-rated footsteps, I’ve been thinking about what it would be like if every superhero movie got a dose of Deadpool. Hence; superhero GIFs with Deadpool quotes. 

Cap is a lot less polite. 

Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent’s relationship gets even weirder. 

Rocket is… kinda the same, actually.

Batman is still super moody, just with swears. 

Spider-Man doesn’t make as good of a first impression. 

Peter Parker is more badass. 

Star-Lord loves chimichangas.

Wolverine is a lot cheekier.  

Hawkeye finally gets his own (r-rated) movie!

Professor X gets a lot less tolerant. 

Wonder Woman isn’t shy about sharing.

Black Widow does not like Cap’s new glasses. 

Superman wants out of his smelly cell. 

Lauren O'Callaghan

Lauren O'Callaghan is the former Entertainment Editor of 12DOVE. You'd typically find Lauren writing features and reviews about the latest and greatest in pop culture and entertainment, and assisting the teams at Total Film and SFX to bring their excellent content onto 12DOVE. Lauren is now the digital marketing manager at the National Trust.