Westworld episode 2 released early by HBO - watch it now

Westworld episode 2 is now available to stream. HBO announced the early release of the episode last night via Twitter, in a very Westworld-y way: through a glitch in the Narrative department. 

Why the early drop? Probably because of the next US Presidential debate that's happening Sunday evening. Westworld's premiere scored HBO 3.3 million viewers so it's likely wanting to ensure a similar amount tune in for the second episode. 

Speaking of, yesterday we caught a glimpse at this next ep through a bunch of new pictures released by HBO. What did they reveal? More bustling action on the streets of Sweetwater and the Man in Black sauntering out in the dusty hills. Oh, and distinctly worried looks on the faces of two park employees.  

Yessir, those reverie tweaks to the Hosts appear to be causing more problems that are going to have more characters hauled in for tune-ups. Maeve, the brothel madam, has a time out with behavior engineer Elsie to avoid a total recall (ahem). 

Here's the full synopsis from the network: 

"A pair of guests, first-timer William (Jimmi Simpson) and repeat visitor Logan (Ben Barnes), arrive at Westworld with different expectations and agendas. Bernard (Jeffrey Wright) and Quality Assurance head Theresa Cullen (Sidse Babett Knudsen) debate whether a recent host anomaly is contagious. Meanwhile, behavior engineer Elsie Hughes (Shannon Woodward) tweaks the emotions of Maeve (Thandie Newton), a madam in Sweetwater’s brothel, in order to avoid a recall. Cocky programmer Lee Sizemore (Simon Quarterman) pitches his latest narrative to the team, but Dr. Ford (Anthony Hopkins) has other ideas. The Man in Black (Ed Harris) conscripts a condemned man, Lawrence (Clifton Collins, Jr.), to help him uncover Westworld’s deepest secrets." 

Images: HBO 

Gem Seddon

Gem Seddon is 12DOVE's west coast Entertainment News Reporter, working to keep all of you updated on all of the latest and greatest movies and shows on streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime. Outside of entertainment journalism, Gem can frequently be found writing about the alternative health and wellness industry, and obsessing over all things Aliens and Terminator on Twitter.