Rejoice, for your broken Wordle Streak might soon be restored

(Image credit: Wordle)

Update: Wordle streaks that were broken by the game's migration to the New York Times website may soon be restored.

After streaks were reset last night, the NYTimes Wordplay account confirmed that it was aware that Wordle streaks - which track how many days in a row players have successfully solved the puzzle - had been reset, and that it was working on a solution.

A few hours later, another tweet confirmed that "we have identified the problems affecting users' streaks and are actively working on a solution." There's no timeframe for the streaks to be reinstated at this time, however.

Original story: Wordle streaks have been tragically reset, seemingly as a result of the game's transition to the New York Times. 

That's according to a whole bunch of angry people on Twitter – which is to say, everyone on Twitter – and our own grieving Wordle fans. Wordle streaks were reset as recently as this afternoon for many users, smack in the middle of the game's move to the New York Times' systems.

The paper purchased Wordle from creator Josh Wardle just over two weeks ago for a sum said to be in "the low seven figures." At the time of the acquisition, Wardle released a statement commenting on the game's unexpected, explosive popularity. In it, he pledged that "it will be free to play for everyone" after the move and said he was "working with" the paper to preserve streaks and wins. It would seem that work hit a snag, though it's theoretically still possible that streaks and wins will be restored. 

In any case, reset Wordle streaks are officially the first-world problem of the day. That said, the disappointment among avid Wordle fans is understandable. It's easy to get attached to games that become part of your routine, and this is kind of like losing all your progress on a game of Scrabble. Sure, you can just start over with a clean record, but it still stings. So many words, lost. Take comfort in the fact that the original Wordle will be free and playable for years thanks to offline preservation. 

A rival word game has emerged on the heels of Pokemon Legends: Arceus: Squirdle, the Pokemon-themed Wordle. 

Austin Wood

Austin freelanced for the likes of PC Gamer, Eurogamer, IGN, Sports Illustrated, and more while finishing his journalism degree, and he's been with 12DOVE since 2019. They've yet to realize that his position as a senior writer is just a cover up for his career-spanning Destiny column, and he's kept the ruse going with a focus on news and the occasional feature, all while playing as many roguelikes as possible.

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