Watch the opening cinematic AND first mission from Destiny: The Taken King

It's Destiny Week here on 12DOVE, and today marks the launch of The Taken King, so the team has gone through the great hardship of downloading the game, playing the first (wonderfully moody) mission and creating a video to show you. It's set on Phobos, a moon of Mars, and shows a Cabal warbase that has been torn apart by a mysterious force. You're sent to investigate, you find some strange goings on, and... well, I'll let the video do the talking.

Chances are most of you are already playing The Taken King, but if you absolutely can't wait to get home and play it, this video should get you nice and warmed up. Speaking of which - we recorded the intro cinematic for you too, as it's rather special. Check that out below and start dreaming about all those Exotics that are waiting for you aboard the Dreadnought. Oh yes.

And finally - here's a video of a FULL playthrough of the PS4-exclusive Echo Chamber Strike. Watch it - you know you want to.

Andy Hartup