VOTE for your favourite SF and fantasy authors of all time

So, who are the greatest SF or fantasy authors of all time? Tolkien? William Gibson? Frank Herbert? Peter F Hamilton? Terrance Dicks? HG Wells? You tell us!

Yep, it’s time for another SFX poll. Simple enough – we want you to vote for your top five favourite SF and Fantasy authors of all time. Comments welcome but not mandatory. The scoring will be in the usual fashion: we'll give five points for your number one author, four for second favourite and so on.

We won’t place any restrictions on who you can and can’t vote for. Okay this leaves the field wide open for some bizarre voting, but these things tend to be self-regulating. You may have the urge to vote for Enid Blyton, and that’s fine by us. But bear in mind, they're not likely to get enough votes to make the final 50. But if thousands of you do love the Magic Faraway Tree enough to get Blyton into the list, then who are we to argue? (Though we do have very effective measures against block voting just in case anybody from the forums gets wind of this poll).

Three ways to vote:

Post your votes in this thread on the SFX forum
Post your votes in the comments section at the bottom of this story
Email you votes to [email protected]

Let the voting begin

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