Viva Pinata review

Crash-prone PC port loses some of the original's garden managing charm

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As a larger variety of pinatas make your garden their home, the business of caring for them becomes a feat similar to juggling fire. See, the pinatas of Viva Pinata aren't necessarily as chummy with each other as they are with you, so you'll spend a good bit of time trying to separate annoyed Buzzlegums from pesky Raisants (an improbably challenging task since Buzzlegums can fly anywhere they want). You could just get rid of the Raisants by smacking them with your shovel, but then your Newtgats would have nothing to eat, and (by extension) no way to get into the romantic mood that enables them to have little Newtgat babies.

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DescriptionThis surprisingly sweet gardening game loses some of its charm on the PC due to crashes, bugs, and Games for Windows' shenanigans.
Platform"PC","Xbox 360"
US censor rating"Everyone","Everyone"
UK censor rating"",""
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)