UP review


12DOVE Verdict


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    Old men!

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    A funny dog!


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    Typical tie-in laziness

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    Blocky characters

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    Enemies popping out of nowhere

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Pixar’s latest animated movie, about an old guy who floats his house away on loads of balloons, is reportedly excellent, but as we have played the actual game, we feel more confident in offering an opinion on that. And our opinion is this: it’s kind of lousy.

From the off, this feels like so many other film tie-ins. You play as one of the blockily realised characters from the movie, working with another character (controlled by the AI or a friend) to progress through levels, collecting items and avoiding creatures that jerkily pop up out of nowhere as they trundle around. Low-budget minigames and other extras beef out the package, but in all respects this is unremarkable.

Jul 8, 2009

More info

DescriptionPixar's latest film offering has, not surprisingly, a videogame tie-in.
Platform"PS2","PS3","PC","DS","Wii","Xbox 360","PSP"
US censor rating"Everyone 10+","Everyone 10+","Everyone 10+","Everyone 10+","Everyone 10+","Everyone 10+","Everyone 10+"
UK censor rating"","","","","","",""
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)