Unreal Tournament 3 review

Wisely not counting UT2003

12DOVE Verdict


  • +

    Warefare mode

  • +

    New vehicles

  • +

    Truly epic explosions


  • -

    Campaign mode

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    Atrocious AI

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    Server browser

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Dec12, 2007

So, normally with this type of review - the type ending in a big score - the criticisms are left to the end. Let’s not do that this time - it means finishing on a sour note, and then trying to rope it back with a hasty “But it’s awesome!” UT3 is insane, and brilliant, so we’re going to get what’s wrong with it out of the way early.

The PS3 version doesn't run quite as smoothly as the PC version, and the default controls will probably feel slow to you - luckily, you can make them more responsive in the options menu. For the fourth entry in the series, Epic has concentrated a lot more on the offline campaign. Here are the two worst things about UT3: the bots and the offline campaign. You play Reaper, a man in a dress with a hilariously crap goatee. You, your sister Jester, your token black sidekick Othello and apparently Catholic sniper Bishop are all that’s left of the Ronin, a band of... yada yada... destroyed by whoever when they inevitably... etcetera. It’s tragic. The campaign consists entirely of one-off matches comically unrelated to the absurd briefings, and punctuated now and then by cutscenes of you arguing with a man in a beret.

More info

DescriptionBigger, louder and everything awesome that ever made Unreal Tournament worth the server connecting wait. Farewell to Onslaught and hello to the good old days of gore and more.
Franchise nameUnreal Tournament
UK franchise nameUnreal Tournament
Platform"PC","PS3","Xbox 360"
US censor rating"Mature","Mature","Mature"
UK censor rating"16+","16+","16+"
Alternative names"UTIII","Unreal Tournament 3","Unreal Tournament 3"
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)