"Not as Sully" - The director of the Uncharted movie reveals whether Bryan Cranston will be in the adaptation alongside Tom Holland

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There are few games as cinematic as Uncharted. The quadrilogy, which follows the adventures of explorer Nathan Drake, has all the qualities of a blockbuster movie franchise, with stunning cut scenes, explosive set pieces and double-crossing character. It's little wonder, then, that Sony is pressing ahead with an Uncharted movie.

There's not a huge amount of information currently available about the forthcoming adaptation; we know that Tom Holland has been cast as a young Drake and that 10 Cloverfield Lane filmmaker Dan Trachtenberg will direct. There's also a December 18, 2020 release date in place.

Reports recently circulated that Bryan Cranston has been cast in the film. Though unconfirmed by Sony, the Breaking Bad actor's potential casting has had fans speculating that he could be playing Sully - Nathan's mentor and father-figure - in the Uncharted movie.

In an exclusive interview, Trachtenberg spoke to GamesRadar's Connor Sheridan about the rumoured casting.

"Not as Sully, none of that Sully stuff is based in...," he said before pausing. "Bryan Cranston is awesome, it might be cool. But we're not there yet with that. And all of that stuff is based on an older draft, and older... Actually, frankly, I think that was always rumour. All of that Sully stuff is rumour and based on old stuff."

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(Image credit: AMC)

Want more Cranston? The actor has taken to Twitter to post a Breaking Bad movie teaser

As far as Trachtenberg is concerned, there's currently "no plan" for who will play Sully.

"I mean, [Sully]'s in the movie obviously, but we have not started any casting talks with me being at the helm," he continued. "Not to say any of those ideas that have been floating around might be cool ones, but we haven't engaged in that yet."

So, while Cranston will not be playing Sully, there's the implication the actor may play someone else all together. Perhaps the movie's villain? 

Trachtenberg also spoke to GamesRadar about Tom Holland's casting as a young Nathan Drake, saying the idea seemed like "a really smart way in". He also discussed returning to the Cloverfield cinematic universe, revealing that there have been some "fun" ideas thrown around for a "radically different" sequel to 10 Cloverfield Lane. 

Jack Shepherd
Freelance Journalist

Jack Shepherd is the former Senior Entertainment Editor of GamesRadar. Jack used to work at The Independent as a general culture writer before specializing in TV and film for the likes of GR+, Total Film, SFX, and others. You can now find Jack working as a freelance journalist and editor.