UFC Undisputed 2010 out today on PSP

We really enjoyed this year’s UFC game, UFC Undisputed 2010, when it came out on PS3 and 360, and today the portable iteration isfinally released. THQ and developer Yuke’s slimmed down the MMA extravaganza for the PSP and launched it today. Here’s the most recent trailer:

We took a spin with it recently and right off the bat we were very surprised to see that all the fighters from the console version (minus the retailer and PS3-exclusive guys) were all included. That more than 100 different MMA practitioners can fit on a single UMD is quite a victory, and of the few fighters we played as, their fighting styles and combos were all there. Brock Lesnar seemed just as dominant on Sony’s handheld as he does on our TV.

Additionally the game includes the create a fighter and campaign modes, plus the Ultimate Fights area that has you relive or recreate classic bouts in UFC history. Again, that all this could go on the handheld seems like a real feat, and even the graphics looked good enough compared to what we expect on the system. The strikes looked about as painful, and submissions nearly as bone-breaking.

While the strikes worked very similarly to its console brother, we’ll admit that the submissions and takedowns being on the analog nub felt a tad strange, but perhaps PSP players will get it pretty quickly. We’ll have a formal review soon enough, but let’s just say this one looked strong in the prelims.

Sep 7, 2010

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