TV REVIEW Doctor Who "The End Of Time" Part Two

The end of an era. Did it go out it a whimper or a massive four knocks? WARNING! Don't expect anything coherent if you click on this tonight

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Written by: Russell T Davies

Directed by: Euros Lyn


Right. Okay. I'm chickening out.

There are probably people internet wide on forums moaning about the plot not making sense, or the fact that the Time War was resolved by a bullet in a piece of plot device, or another standing up regeneration, or the appearance of a Slitheen, or the fact that the weeping angels being fallen Time Lords is daft, or Rose ruining everything, or the whole last 15 minutes being an indulgent piece of twaddle...

You know what? I don't care. I loved it. Unreservedly.

And I can't review it properly tonight. I'm on too much of a high. As I said, chickening out. For once, I'm going to sleep on it and post a proper review tomorrow. But the for those of you who hated it, sorry but it won't be a bad review. I admit, it was creaky in places and if such things are the make or break for you, fair enough.

But I even got excited when I saw an Adipose. That's the kinda high I'm on.*

And here are three texts I've received so far:

"Great finale. Very clever writing, genuinely unexpected. Incredibly sad yet resonant final words. All the end bits a treat for fans."

"Wahey! That was brilliant! I could even forgive the rather indulgent long goodbye. Wonderful final line from DT and I'm already convinced Matt Smith will be a worthy successor!"

"Oh blimey! It was a bit emotional! I didn't want him to change!"

"$%&&!! **!@^&!"

And an email from SFX's Richard Edwards:

"As good as I could possibly have hoped for – as I write this I'm still shedding some manly tears. It had all the scale and bombast we've come to expect from a Who finale, but at the same time never lost sight of the intimate story of a man who knows his time is up. I loved the idea that the Master's madness was caused by the Time Lords – this was a great piece of sci-fi storytelling – but ultimately the plot pales into insignificance next to the emotional power of the last half hour, as Russell showed Lord Of The Rings how to pull off an extended ending. And while a big part of me shares the Tenth Doctor's feelings about not wanting to go, Matt Smith's cry of "geronimo" has made me very excited about the Steven Moffat era."

And that's all you're getting tonight. Except… Goodbye David and Russell. Thank you.

And… did Moffat write those lines for Matt?

And, yeah I did recognise the song in the nightclub.

And… I genuinely feel like I've watched something very special indeed.

Dave Golder

* Actually I own a plush Adipose called Andy Pose, so that's not much of a surprise.

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