TV REVEIW Lost 4.10 "Something Nice Back Home" review

Original US air date: 1/5/08

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Written by: Adam Horowitz, Edward Kitsis

Directed by: Stephen Williams


Flashforward: Jack is living with Kate and baby Aaron, but starts hallucinating seeing his dad, and discovers that Kate is still doing favours for Sawyer (who remained on the Island).

Island Life: Juliet operates on Jack to remove his appendix, Claire spots her dad in the jungle and Jin blackmails Charlotte into promising to get Sun off the island at all costs.

Verdict: A rather dull flashforward is saved by an almighty twist at the end, while the on-island shenanigans are pretty low rent too (Jack’s ill, Juliet saves him, then tells Kate that he loves her really... yawn). Luckily, Jin saves the day by colluding with Charlotte, and Hurley provides some interest in the flashforward, babbling on about how the Oceanic Six are all dead. Also, Christian Shephard’s reappearance throws up all sorts of intriguing possibilities (taunting Jack and enticing Claire to go with him into the jungle). But after last week’s excitement, this episode feels like the show grinding to a halt again, dripfeeding us information.

Day: 98-99, 28-29 Dec ’04.

Cliffhanger: Claire vanishes into the jungle with her “dad” leaving baby Aaron behind.

The Numbers: A newspaper in the flashforward lists score in an American Football match: “Angels 8 – Astros 4”.

Not Again! Last week, Farraday was shocked to learn that Bernard knew Morse Code; this week Jin realises that Charlotte can understand Korean. Same trick twice – bad!

Best Line:
Jack: "Why aren’t you taking your meds?"
Hurley: "’Cos we’re dead. All of us, all the Oceanic Six we’re all dead."

Dave Golder

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