Tuesday Link-A-Mania

Mark Millar does Flash Gordon , Doctor Who series eight effects team announced, and a teaser for Guillermo del Toro's The Strain

Mark Millar's Off To Space
The Hollywood Reporter offers up a first look at Mark Millar's new space-set comic Starlight . Millar reportedly describes the story as Flash Gordon meets The Dark Knight Returns , and it focuses on an ageing space hero who – having saved the universe many years ago – returned to Earth to find nobody believed his stories. He then lived his life, got married, had kids and got old, until...

"Then that old, sparky, Buster Crabbe -era rocket ship comes back and needs him for one last adventure," Millar says . "It's Buzz Lightyear meets Unforgiven I guess and I've been motoring through it for months, really having a good time with it.

The planned six-issue miniseries is due in March from Image Comics, and features art from Punisher artist Goran Parlov.

Doctor Who's Got Milk!
It's hardly unexpected, but it's good news nonetheless: it's been announced today that Milk Visual Effects, who recently did the ace effects for the Doctor Who 50th anniversary special , will be back for Peter Capaldi's first year in the TARDIS – Doctor Who 's eighth series since its 2005 return. The new series will start shooting in January, and broadcast some time later in the year.

Milk 's visual effects team were previously The Mill's TV department until the new company launched in June 2013, so they've been transporting the Doctor around space and time for the best part of a decade. “Many of us on the team have been privileged to enjoy a 10 year love affair with Doctor Who ," said Milk CEO Will Cohen, "so to be able to carry on collaborating with the BBC Wales team on telling these incredible stories fills us with joy and provides us with an opportunity as VFX artists to help push the boundaries of what can be done visually on television.”

The Strain Gets Teaser
Just a fortnight after FX gave a greenlight to the TV adaptation of Guillermo "does he ever sleep?" del Toro's The Strain novels , they've released a teaser. Okay, it's of the found footage variety, and doesn't really tell us much about what the show will look like, but there's plenty here for rodent appreciators.

The 13-part series is set to debut in July 2014 in the US. Lost veteran Carlton Cuse is running the show.

Richard is a freelancer journalist and editor, and was once a physicist. Rich is the former editor of SFX Magazine, but has since gone freelance, writing for websites and publications including 12DOVE, SFX, Total Film, and more. He also co-hosts the podcast, Robby the Robot's Waiting, which is focused on sci-fi and fantasy.