Treyarch explains why Black Ops 3 has the biggest zombies mode yet

Zombies has become a staple for the Call Of Duty franchise, but when it's Treyarch's turn to take the lead again, you know the undead originator is going to come out all guns blazing. And that's exactly what it's done with the first map for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3's incarnation - Shadow Of Evil - a gargantuan nightmare with '40s-era noir coating.

“It’s the biggest Zombies map we’ve ever done," enthuses producer Jason Blundell in the latest issue of Official Xbox Magazine. "It’s large in terms of complexity, but also in verticality – there are so many ways to move around the city. Canals, scaffolding... there’s even a tram transit system”. Shadow Of Evil with come suitably bubbling with decadence, so expect to eviscerate the undead through burlesque strip clubs, a magician's workshop and, of course, some dimly lit docks for added ambiance.

The nifty ability to craft weapons by combining detritus you find around the map returns - eat rocket shield, z-heads! And consideringall the goodies Treyarch is planning with its season pass(along with some cute littlegifts for series veterans), there's a good chance Blacks Ops 3 will take over your life.

The latest issue of Official Xbox Magazine, with Halo 5: Guardians on the cover, is out now. Download it here or subscribe to future issues.

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