Toy Story 4 Easter eggs confirmed to include "something from every Pixar movie ever made"

Toy Story 4 Easter eggs
Image credit: Pixar/Disney

The laundry list of potential Toy Story 4 Easter eggs on offer is proof that Pixar knows how to keep you going back to the movies again and again. The animation studio, which has history with both foreshadowing new Pixar flicks in its films – who can forget the Finding Nemo toy in Monsters Inc? – as well as paying tribute to the past with a few cheeky winks and nods, is about to go all out. That’s because, according to one of the producers, something from every Pixar movie is included as a Toy Story 4 Easter egg. That’s… a lot.

Speaking to Digital Spy, producer Mark Nielsen confirms that “There is literally something from every movie Pixar has ever made in the background of this movie.”

For context, that goes all the way from the original Toy Story in 1995 all the way to, potentially, the upcoming Onward, which arrives in 2020. A quarter of a century of Pixar material to mine, and 22 beloved movies to draw from. Don’t discount some of the shorts, such as the adorable Bao, showing up in some form, too.

So, where to look? You’re likely to find them under one (very literal) roof: Second Chance Antiques. The store, which houses a handful of Toy Story 4’s newest characters, crops up throughout the movie. Neilsen hints “That antique store is a wealth of it, so we hope it's rewarding to all the people that love Easter eggs.”

So, there’s bound to be a Scrooge McDuck-style haul of Toy Story 4 Easter eggs there but, as fellow producer Jonas Rivera reveals, Toy Story’s most famous callback – Pizza Planet – can be found elsewhere: “"I don't know if I want to give it away. Should I? OK. It's not even a physical version of it. It's a tattoo on somebody so look close... and maybe it's the carnival worker... look close!”

Keep those eyes peeled. You’ll never know what you’re going to find out the corner of your eye. And maybe buy another ticket – just in case you miss things the first time.

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Bradley Russell

I'm the Senior Entertainment Writer here at 12DOVE, focusing on news, features, and interviews with some of the biggest names in film and TV. On-site, you'll find me marveling at Marvel and providing analysis and room temperature takes on the newest films, Star Wars and, of course, anime. Outside of GR, I love getting lost in a good 100-hour JRPG, Warzone, and kicking back on the (virtual) field with Football Manager. My work has also been featured in OPM, FourFourTwo, and Game Revolution.