's Review Of The Year (Part 4)

Also See:'s Review Of The Year ( Part One)'s Review Of The Year ( Part Two)'s Review Of The Year ( Part Three)

- October saw get a brand new look, and we celebrated by launching Bond month . The coolest British movie website, deconstructing the coolest British spy, ace.

And when we weren't thinking about 007, we were gawping at pictures from a zombie pin-up girl calendar , finding out how to survive the credit crunch according to the movies , chuckling at the ABC of Star Wars and dancing around the office when new Star Trek pictures arrived.

Finally, we decided to imagine what life would be like if Jason Statham was in all films . Brilliant, obviously.


November - In November we had a pretty major exclusive - we convinced McG to bust the biggest Terminator Salvation rumours for us.

We also saw Batman die , read Kevin Smith's take on The Dark Knight , and gazed longingly at Scarlett Johansson's cleavage .

It was quite the month for gazing, actually. We found some unseen Megan Fox bikini shots , and saw Jessica Biel's hottest ever photoshoot.

And our Jason Staham news of the month? He reckoned he could slap Bond around. We agreed.


December - The last month of an amazing movie year saw us celebrating the 150 greatest movie performances of all time . We also detonated our very own apocalypse fortnight, with Terminator Salvation exclusives galore , including the world exclusive first look at our amazing flashing LED Terminator cover.

We also got yet another major exclusive - Hugh Jackman's first full Wolverine interview.

But it wasn't all serious business, we had a laugh at the 5 most soulful eye-patches in cinema , found out why the Crank 2 script made Jason Statham need tissues , and saw loads of pictures of Jessica Biel as a stripper , and Olga Kurylenko in her underwear.

We ended 2008 by looking forward to the 49 films that'll define 2009 . There are some solid-gold classics in there - looks like '09's going to be as interesting as '08, only with added Avatar.

Sam Ashurst is a London-based film maker, journalist, and podcast host. He's the director of Frankenstein's Creature, A Little More Flesh + A Little More Flesh 2, and co-hosts the Arrow Podcast. His words have appeared on HuffPost, MSN, The Independent, Yahoo, Cosmopolitan, and many more, as well as of course for us here at 12DOVE.