Total Film's Contributors Favourite Films Of Our Lifetime
The TF gang's top 15 films from 1997 to now...

Stephen Armstrong
1. American Beauty
2. The Bourne Ultimatum
3. Casino Royale
4. Children Of Men
5. Devil Wears Prada
6. District 9
7. Fight Club
8. Gladiator
9. In Bruges
10. Iron Man
11. Lord Of The Rings
12. Lost in Translation
13. Out of Sight
14. The Secret In Their Eyes
15. Shakespeare In Love
16. The Social Network
Sam Ashurst
1. There Will Be Blood
2. The Royal Tenenbaums
3. Rushmore
4. Blue Valentine
5. Inglourious Basterds
6. Buffalo 66
7. Dead Man's Shoes
8. The New World
9. Batman Begins
10. Inland Empire
11. The Thin Red Line
12. No Country For Old Men
13. I'm Not There
14. The Departed
15. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
George Bass
1 Das Experiment (2000)
2 Dead Man's Shoes (2004)
3 Pu-239 (2007)
4 Good Will Hunting (1997)
5 Memento (2000)
6 Drive (2011)
7 Moon (2009)
8 Kick Ass (2010)
9 The Lives of Others (2007)
10 The Iron Giant (1999)
11 Dark Days (2000)
12 Spider-Man 2 (2004)
13 As Good As It Gets (1997)
14 Shaun of the Dead (2004)
15 My Summer of Love (2004)
Paul Bradshaw
1. Tree Of Life
2. Eyes Wide Shut
3. There Will Be Blood
4. The New World
5. The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford
6. The White Ribbon
7. The Life Aquatic
8. Inception
9. The Big Lebowski
10. Lost In Translation
11. Gangs Of New York
12. Caché
13. Black Swan
14. Up
15. Lord Of The Rings Trilogy
Jenny Cooney Carrillo
1. Good Will Hunting
2. Titanic
3. Avatar
4. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
5. Lord Of The Rings trilogy
6. The Help
7. The Social Network
8. Toy Story
9. Up
10. The Dark Knight
11. Slumdog Millionaire
12. Brokeback Mountain
13. Million Dollar Baby
14. The Hours
15. Moulin Rouge
For the combined list, check out the 50 Best Movies Of Total Film Magazine's Lifetime
Watch a video of Total Film contributors discussing their favourite films

C - D
Nick Chen
1. Rushmore (1998)
2. The Virgin Suicides (1999)
3. The Social Network (2010)
4. There Will Be Blood (2007)
5. Being John Malkovich (1999)
6. Broken Flowers (2005)
7. All The Real Girls (2003)
8. You Can Count On Me (2000)
9. Wall-E (2008)
10. Cold Weather (2011)
11. American Beauty (1999)
12. Almost Famous (2001)
13. Life Is Beautiful (1997)
14. Mulholland Dr. (2001)
15. Dancer In The Dark (2000)
Sarah Cohen
1. Lost In Translation
2. Magnolia
3. Donnie Darko
4. Hidden
5. Rushmore
6. Being John Malkovich
7. Dancer In The Dark
8. Memento
9. Far From Heaven
10. Pi
11. We Need To Talk About Kevin
12. Team America: World Police
13. Blue Valentine
14. Before Sunset
15. I’ve Loved You So Long
Jonathan Crocker
1. Silent Light
2. Enter The Void
3. Eyes Wide Shut
4. The Wrestler
5. Magnolia
6. Bigger, Stronger, Faster
7. Four Lions
8. Moulin Rouge
9. The Kid With A Bike
10. Mulholland Drive
11. A Separation
12. Coraline
13. Memories Of Murder
14. Hunger
15. The Matrix
Jane Crowther (alphabetical)
1. American Beauty
2. Anchorman
3. Atonement
4. Blue Valentine
5. Casino Royale
6. The Departed
7. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
8. Gladiator
9. Lost in Translation
10. Moulin Rouge
11. Shaun of The Dead
12. Sideways
13. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
14. Up
15. Y Tu Mama Tambien
Tom Dawson (alphabetical)
1. Affliction
2. Carlos
3. The Death of Mr Lazarescu
4. Distant (Uzak)
5. The Five Obstructions
6. Magnolia
7. Nostalgia for the Light
8. A Serious Man
9. Spider
10. The Son (Dardennes)
11. Talk to Her
12. 35 Shots of Rhum
13. The Thin Red Line
14. The White Ribbon
15. Zodiac
For the combined list, check out the 50 Best Movies Of Total Film Magazine's Lifetime

D - G
Emma Dibdin (alphabetical)
1. Before Sunset
2. Brokeback Mountain
3. Code Unknown
4. Donnie Darko
5. Drive
6. Good Will Hunting
7. A History of Violence
8. In Bruges
9. LA Confidential
10. The Lord of the Rings
11. Magnolia
12. Memento
13. Mulholland Dr.
14. The Prestige
15. Up
Nathan Ditum
1. After Life (Koreeda)
2. Amelie
3. Brick
4. Children of Men
5. City Of God
6. Friday Night Lights
7. Good Night And Good Luck
8. Inception
9. The Lord Of The Rings
10. Mulholland Dr
11. No Country For Old Men
12. Rushmore
13. Shaun Of The Dead
14. The Thin Red Line
15. 28 Days Later
Rosie Fletcher
1. Dead Man's Shoes
2. Memento
3. Hidden (Caché)
4. In Bruges
5. Election
6. Wall*E
7. Donnie Darko
8. Happiness
9. Ghost World
10. Wolf Creek
11. The Sixth Sense
12. No Country for Old Men
13. Audition
14. The Lives Of Others
15. Life Is Beautiful
Dan Geary (alphabetical)
1. Black Swan
2. City Of God
3. Dead Man's Shoes
4. Festen
5. LA Confidential
6. Mulholland Drive
7. Russian Ark
8. Shutter Island
9. Spirited Away
10. Starship Troopers
11. Sunshine
12. The Thin Red Line
13. Time Of The Wolf
14. Y Tu Mama Tambien
15. Zodiac
Matt Glasby
1) Dead Man's Shoes (2004)
2) Last Night (1998)
3) Magnolia (1999)
4) Memento (2000)
5) Fight Club (1999)
6) The Orphanage (2007)
7) The Others (2001)
8) Primer (2004)
9) The 25th Hour (2002)
10) Children Of Men (2006)
11) Ringu (1998)
12) The Descent (2005)
13) Grosse Pointe Blank (1997)
14) Sunshine (2007)
15) Brick (2005)
For the combined list, check out the 50 Best Movies Of Total Film Magazine's Lifetime

G - H
Jamie Graham
1. Magnolia
2. Mulholland Drive
3. There Will Be Blood
4.The Lord Of The Rings
5. The Blair Witch Project
6. Half Nelson
7. The New World
8. Nil By Mouth
9. The White Ribbon
10. The Thin Red Line
11. Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter… And Spring
12. The Assassination of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford
13. Blue Valentine
14. 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days
15. The Child
Ali Gray
1. Fight Club (1999)
2. Amelie (2001)
3. No Country For Old Men (2007)
4. The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring (2001)
5. Kill Bill Vol. 1 (2003)
6. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind (2004)
7. The Big Lebowski (1998)
8. Children Of Men (2006)
9. WALL-E (2008)
10. The Dark Knight (2008)
11. Sexy Beast (2000)
12. The Matrix (1999)
13. Oldboy (2003)
14. Inception (2010)
15. Requiem For A Dream (2000)
Carmen Gray (alphabetical)
1. Adaptation (2002)
2. All About My Mother (1999)
3. Aurora (2010)
4. The Class (2008)
5. Dogville (2003)
6. The Headless Woman (2008)
7. Hidden (2005)
8. A History Of Violence (2005)
9. In the Mood For Love (2000)
10. The Lives Of Others (2006)
11. Lost Highway (1997)
12. Nostagia for the Light (2010)
13. The Turin Horse (2011)
14. Werckmeister Harmonies (2000)
15. White Material (2009)
Kevin Harley
1 Yi Yi (A One And A Two)
2 In the Mood for Love
3 My Winnipeg
4 35 Shots of Rum
5 Magnolia
6 Mulholland Drive
7 Lovers of the Arctic Circle
8 Afterlife
9 Let the Right One In
10 Pan’s Labyrinth
11 Le Fils
12 The Tree of Life
13 The Dark Knight
14 The Consequences of Love
15 Uzak
Tony Horkins (alphabetical)
1. American Beauty
2. Adaptation
3. Almost Famous
4. Another Earth
5. The Big Lebowski
6. Inglorious Basterds
7. The King’s Speech
8. Little Miss Sunshine
9. Lost In Translation
10. Memento
11. No Country For Old Men
12. Paranormal Activity
13. Requiem For A Dream
14. Sideways
15. The Truman Show
For the combined list, check out the 50 Best Movies Of Total Film Magazine's Lifetime

I - K
Emily Ip (alphabetical)
1. Casino Royale
2. The Dark Knight
3. Devil Wears Prada
4. Drive
5. Face/Off
6. Gran Torino
7. The Hangover
8. The Incredibles
9. Iron Man
10. Ocean's Eleven
11. School Of Rock
12. The Social Network
13. Toy Story 3
14. Transformers
15. Warrior
Ellen E Jones (alphabetical)
1. Buffalo 66
2. Dodgeball
3. Four Lions
4. Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai
5. God Bless America
6. In The Mood For Love
7. The Killer Inside Me
8. Kill List
9. Restrepo
10. The Secret in Their Eyes
11. A Serious Man
12. Synecdoche, New York
13. The Tree of Life
14. The White Ribbon
15. Winter’s Bone
Richard Jordan
1. The Lord of the Rings
2. Memento
3. The Matrix
4. All About My Mother
5. Fight Club
6. Magnolia
7. Oldboy
8. The Dark Knight
9. Pan’s Labyrinth
10. This is England
11. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
12. Kill Bill: Volume 1
13. Toy Story 3
14. Casino Royale
15. Gladiator
Stephen Kelly
1. Memento
2. Fight Club
3. Spirited Away
4. The Dark Knight
5. Lord of the Rings Trilogy
6. Shaun Of The Dead
7. Minority Report
8. Hero
9. Lost In Translation
10. Oldboy
11. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
12. The Matrix
13. There Will Be Blood
14. Infernal Affairs
Philip Kemp
1. Being John Malkovich
2. The Big Lebowski
3. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
4. Hidden
5. A History of Violence
6. In Bruges
7. LA Confidential
8. Moon
9. A One and a Two
10. Pan's Labyrinth
11. Princess Mononoke
12. A Separation
13. A Simple Plan
14. We Need to Talk About Kevin
15. The White Ribbon
For the combined list, check out the 50 Best Movies Of Total Film Magazine's Lifetime

K - L
Simon Kinnear
1. Punch-Drunk Love (Paul Thomas Anderson, 2002)
2. Children Of Men (Alfonso Cuaron, 2006)
3. L.A. Confidential (Curtis Hanson, 1997)
4. The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou (Wes Anderson, 2004)
5. The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford (Andrew Dominik, 2007)
6. Solaris (Steven Soderbergh, 2002)
7. Toy Story 2 (John Lasseter / Ash Brannon / Lee Unkrich, 1999)
8. Zodiac (David Fincher, 2007)
9. Battle Royale (Kinji Fukasaku, 2000)
10. Being John Malkovich (Spike Jonze, 1999)
11. The Truman Show (Peter Weir, 1998)
12. Kill List (Ben Wheatley, 2011)
13. Last Night (Don McKellar, 1998)
14. Pan's Labyrinth (Guillermo Del Toro, 2006)
15. Inception (Christopher Nolan, 2010)
Hugh Langley
1. There Will Be Blood
2. City of God
3. Man On Wire
4. Y Tu Mama Tambien
5. Magnolia
6. Let The Right One In
7. Ratatouille
8. No Country for Old Men
9. The White Ribbon
10. Synecdoche, New York
11. Blue Valentine
12. Up In The Air
13. The Prestige
14. Unbreakable
15. Moon
Matthew Leyland
1. Mulholland Drive
2. There Will Be Blood
3. The Thin Red Line
4. The Tree Of Life
5. The Wrestler
7. The New World
8. Zodiac
9. X-Men 2
10. Lost Highway
11. Minority Report
12. The Social Network
13. Monsters, Inc
14. Spirited Away
15. Eyes Wide Shut
Andy Lowe
1. Fight Club
2. Dead Man's Shoes
3. Finding Nemo
4. There Will Be Blood
5. Magnolia
6. The Dark Knight
7. The Blair Witch Project
8. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
9. Let The Right One In
10. No Country For Old Men
11. Boogie Nights
12. Donnie Darko
13. Mulholland Drive
14. Memento
15. Blue Valentine
Andrew Lowry (alphabetical)
1. Beau Travail
2. Children of Men
3. City of God
4. The Dark Knight
5. The Departed
6. Inception
7. The Insider
8. In the Mood for Love
9. Fight Club
10. Memento
11. Oldboy
12. Spirited Away
13. There Will Be Blood
14. Wall-E
15. The White Ribbon
For the combined list, check out the 50 Best Movies Of Total Film Magazine's Lifetime

M - M
John Marrs
1. Kill Bill Vol 1
2. The Dark Knight
3. Donnie Darko
4. Lord of the Rings
5. The Talented Mr Ripley
6. Boogie Nights
7. Drive
8. The Departed
9. The Bourne Ultimatum
10. Zoolander
11. Good Will Hunting
12. Y Tu Mama Tambien
13. Best In Show
14. Before Sunset
15. 300
Matt Maytum
1. The Dark Knight
2. The Incredibles
3. American Psycho
4. Memento
5. Before Sunset
6. The Lord Of The Rings
7. Pan's Labyrinth
8. The New World
9. A History Of Violence
10. Boogie Nights
11. William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet
12. Eyes Wide Shut
13. Zodiac
14. Catch Me If You Can
15. The Bourne Identity
Ken McIntyre (alphabetical)
1. Cube (1997)
2. The Descent (2005)
3. Drive (2011)
4. Ghost World (2001)
5. Grindhouse (2007)
6. The Hangover (2009)
7. The Host (2006)
8. In China They Eat Dogs (1999)
9. Josie & the Pussycats (2001)
10. Mean Girls (2004)
11. Oldboy (2003)
12. Piranha 3D (2010)
13. Sex Drive (2008)
14. Shaun of the Dead (2004)
15. Superbad (2007)
Emma Morgan
1. Magnolia (2000)
2. The Royal Tenenbaums (2002)
3. Amélie (5 October 2001)
4. Lost In Translation (2004)
5. The Prestige (2006)
6. Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind (2004)
7. Rushmore (1999)
8. Anchorman (2004)
9. WALL*E (2008)
10. The Artist (2011)
11. Once (2007)
12. Bridesmaids (24 June 2011)
13. Moulin Rouge! (2001)
14. Up (2009)
15. Mean Girls (2004)
James Mottram
1) Mulholland Drive (Lynch)
2) There Will Be Blood (PT Anderson)
3) Zodiac (Fincher)
4) Hana-Bi (Kitano)
5) Carlos (Assayas)
6) Eyes Wide Shut (Kubrick)
7) Adaptation (Jonze)
8) The Man Who Wasn't There (Coens)
9) The Piano Teacher (Haneke)
10) All About My Mother (Almodovar)
11) The Thin Red Line (Malick)
12) Control (Corbijn)
13) Amores Perros (Innaritu)
14) Capturing The Friedmans (Jarecki)
15) The Lives of Others (Henckel von Donnersmarck)
Matt Mueller (alphabetical)
1. Brokeback Mountain
2. Children Of Men
3. The Dark Knight
4. Dead Man’s Shoes
5. Fight Club
6. Finding Nemo
7. Hidden (Caché)
8. The Ice Storm
9. The Lives Of Others
10. The Lord of the Rings trilogy
11. Man On Wire
12. Memento
13. Old Boy
14. The Social Network
15. The Talented Mr Ripley
For the combined list, check out the 50 Best Movies Of Total Film Magazine's Lifetime

N - S
Jayne Nelson
1) The Lord of the Rings trilogy
2) Spirited Away
3) The Lives Of Others
4) Monsters
5) Brokeback Mountain
6) The Sixth Sense
7) Tyrannosaur
8) Before Sunset
9) Oldboy
10) Lagaan: Once Upon A Time in India
11) Etre Et Avoir
12) The Station Agent
13) X-Men 2
14) The Secret In Their Eyes
15) Moon
Jamie Russell
1 Zodiac
2 Irreversible
3 Mulholland Dr.
4 The Ring (Ringu)
5 Hidden (Cache)
6 Way of the Gun
7 The Big Lebowski
8 Memento
9 Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter and... Spring
10 Fahrenheit 911
11 Pan's Labyrinth
12 Starship Troopers
13 Let the Right One In
14 Martyrs
15 Spirited Away
Mark Salisbury (alphabetical)
1. Almost Famous
2. The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford
3. Boogie Nights
4. City Of God
5. In The Mood For Love
6. LA Confidential
7. Lost In Translation
8. The Matrix
9. Memento
10. Out Of Sight
11. Sideways
12. Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
13. Syriana
14. Up
15. Zodiac
Leigh Singer
1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
2. Mulholland Dr. (2001)
3. Y Tu Mamá También (2001)
4. Out of Sight (1998)
5. The Incredibles (2004)
6. After Life (1998)
7. Brokeback Mountain (2005)
8. Innocence (2004)
9. The Darjeeling Limited (2007)
10. Fight Club (1999)
11. A Serious Man (2009)
12. Gosford Park (2001)
13. Memento (2000)
14. The Beat That My Heart Skipped (2005)
15. Four Lions (2010) / Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Neil Smith
1 Out Of Sight
2 Boogie Nights
3 Memento
4 The Matrix
5 Before Sunset
6 Starship Troopers
7 Anchorman
8 Once
9 Primary Colors
10 The Talented Mr Ripley
11 About A Boy
12 Michael Clayton
13 Young Adam
14 The Incredibles
15 The Pursuit Of Happyness
For the combined list, check out the 50 Best Movies Of Total Film Magazine's Lifetime

S - T
Kate Stables
1. Funny Games
2. Saving Private Ryan
3. Happiness
4. Gladiator
5. Erin Brokovich
6. O Brother, Where Art Thou
7. Bad Santa
8. Sideways
9. Volver
10. Pan's Labyrinth
11. The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford
12. There Will Be Blood
13. Wall *E
14. Avatar
15. The Tree Of Life
Peter Stuart
1: The Avengers
2: The Artist
3: Toy Story 3
4: A Single Man
5: Burn After Reading
6: The Science of Sleep
7: Pan's Labyrinth
8: 40 year old Virgin
9: Anchorman
10: Oldboy
11: Minority Report
12: Donnie Darko
13: American Psycho
14: Fight Club
15. The Truman Show
Ceri Thomas
1 - Fight Club
2 - LA Confidential
3 - The Big Lebowski
4 - Grosse Pointe Blank
5 - Out Of Sight
6 - Toy Story 2
7 - The Truman Show
8 - The Matrix
9 - Spider-Man 2
10 - Lord Of The Rings
11 - Sideways
12 - Casino Royale
13 - Wall-E
14 -The Way Of The Gun
15 –Rushmore
Sarah Tully
1. Lord of The Rings
2. Brokeback Mountain
3. Gladiator
4. Pan’s Labyrinth
5. Revolutionary Road
6. The Fantastic Mr Fox
7. The Devil Wears Prada
8. The Proposal
9. Into The Wild
10. Little Miss Sunshine
11. The Last King of Scotland
12. The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
13. Toy Story 3
14. Hugo
15. Atonement
For the combined list, check out the 50 Best Movies Of Total Film Magazine's Lifetime

T - W
Kathryn Twyford (alphabetical)
1. About Schmidt
2. American Beauty
3. Atonement
4. Black Swan
5. Exit Through The Gift Shop
6. Gladiator
7. The Lives Of Others
8. Lost In Translation
9. Man On Wire
10. Memento
11. Senna
12. This Is England
13. The Truman Show
14. Tyrannosaur
15. The Wrestler
Calum Waddell
1. Boogie Nights (Paul Thomas Anderson, 1997)
2. Audition (Takashi Miike, 1999)
3. The Blair Witch Project (Eduardo Sanchez, Dan Myrick, 1999)
4. Running Out of Time (Johnnie To, 1999)
5. Toy Story 2 (John Lasseter, Ash Brannon, Lee Unkrich, 1999)
6. Battle Royale (Kinji Fukasaku, 2000)
7. Suicide Club (Shion Sono, 2001)
8. Infernal Affairs (Andrew Lau, Alan Mak, 2002)
9. Morvern Callar (Lynne Ramsey, 2002)
10. Oldboy (Park Chan-wook, 2003)
11. Downfall (Oliver Hirschbiegel, 2004)
12. A Bittersweet Life (Kim Jee-woon, 2005)
13. Sicko (Michael Moore, 2007)
14. Antichrist (Lars von Trier, 2009)
15. Sin Nombre (Cary Fukunaga, 2009)
Charlie Whately-Smith
1. The White Ribbon
2. The Truman Show
3. There Will Be Blood
4. Sideways
5. The Thin Red Line
6. The Departed
7. Rushmore
8. Shaun Of The Dead
9. Let The Right One In
10. Snowtown
11. Good Will Hunting
12. In The Mood For Love
13. Bad Santa
14. The Man Who Wasn't There
15. Titanic
Steven Whitchurch
1. The Ice Storm
2. No Country For Old Men
3. Casino Royale
4. American Beauty
5. Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers: Runnin' Down A Dream
6. The Dark Knight
7. Finding Nemo
8. Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
9. Lost In Translation
10. George Harrison: Living In The Material World
11. Little Miss Sunshine
12. Volver
13. Munich
14. Vicky Cristina Barcelona
15. A Single Man
Josh Winning
1. We Need To Talk About Kevin
2. The Matrix
3. Let The Right One In
4. In The Loop
5. X-Men 2
6. Kill Bill Vol. 1
7. Toy Story 2
8. Donnie Darko
9. As Good As It Gets
10. Serenity
11. Oldboy
12. The Hurt Locker
13. Little Miss Sunshine
14. Weekend
15. Kick-Ass
For the combined list, check out the 50 Best Movies Of Total Film Magazine's Lifetime
Watch a video of Total Film contributors discussing their favourite films
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