Total Film Magazine - Issue 177
The Adjustment Bureau leads our massive preview

Matt Damon talks about his mental Philip K Dick adaptation, and we preview all the book-to-screen adaps coming your way: True Grit, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, The Hobbit, 54 more…

Buzz crosses swords with Johnny Depp on set of Pirates 4!

The stedicam shot from Martin Scorsese's Goodfellas is examined in detail.

David O. Russell’s boxing biopic goes the distance, plus Tangled, Rabbit Hole, Brighton Rock, Hereafter and Never Let Me Go .

Cover Story
The Adjustment Bureau, The Great Gatsby, I Am Number Four, War Horse, Sherlock Holmes 2 …. Watching books has never been more fun.

On Set
Aliens trash LA in a down ‘n’ dirty, street-level invasion flick. Think Black Hawk Down meets Independence Day.

We all know who will win. But Total Film tells you who /should/ win. In two or three cases, they’re the same thing…

TF Classic
So you like serial killers and dragon tattoos? Then check out Michael Mann’s original Hannibal Lector movie…

The TF Interview
Oscar winner, box-office champ… Does the bubbly blonde with the steely core always get what she wants?

Ben Affleck’s heist drama scores big, plus Buried, The Other Guys, Once Upon A Time In America and on set of showbiz satire Episodes.