Tomb Raider: Legend review

Don't call it a comeback...

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Lara now has a genuine personality. Beyond the usual throw-away one-liners, this game delves into Lara's past, uncovering telling tidbits that add dimension to her character. Her friends, Zip and Allister, contribute to the story by filling in clever quips and giving Lara hints from time to time. Although Ms. Croft generally maintains an even-temper throughout the game, there are moments when she gets angry and her narrowed eyes and gritting teeth barely contain her raging fury ... until she unloads it in the form of a searing barrage from her trusty pistols on some hapless thug.

The plot of Legend takes a minute to get going, but it's universally engaging and supremely motivating once it breaks out. Between the underlying sub-plot of Lara's mother's mysterious disappearance and the over-arching storyline following the search forher long-lost friend and co-worker Amanda, Lara is caught up in an emotionally charged, globe-trotting escapade of non-stop adventure.

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DescriptionBullets, breasts, and brain-busters thrust Legends back into classic territory.
Franchise nameTomb Raider
UK franchise nameTomb Raider
Platform"PSP","Xbox 360","Xbox","PS2","PC","GameCube","DS"
US censor rating"Teen","Teen","Teen","Teen","Teen","Teen","Teen"
UK censor rating"","","","","","",""
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)