To the Rescue is an adorable dog shelter sim full of good puppers in need of a forever home

To The Rescue
(Image credit: Freedom Games)

To The Rescue shows off more very good dogs in need of a home during the Future Games Show Powered by AMD.

The upcoming dog shelter sim from developer Little Rock Games sees you run your very own dog shelter, where you can take good care of pooches and help them find a new owner. As you can see in the trailer during the Future Games Show, To the Rescue features lots of adorable dogs brought to life in a very cute art style - it's certainly going to be all too easy to fall in love with four-legged friends. 

By building up your own kennels to take in strays, you'll spend time caring for the dogs' needs and getting them ready for a new home. With a variety of breeds, each pup has its own distinct personality and health traits, as well as its own taste in food, which you'll have to keep in mind as you care for them and set them up for adoption. When a would-be owner turns up at the shelter, they'll be on the lookout for a certain kind of dog, and it's up to you to find their perfect match. 

As you progress, the shelter can be upgraded and there's also a variety of activities and tasks to keep you busy as you run the place. One we get a glimpse of is cleaning up after the dogs with a pooper scooper, so you can keep kennels nice and clean. Happily, you can indeed pet the dog, and doing so boosts their happiness. Doesn't that just melt your heart? Of course, it's not always easy to run a shelter, and you will encounter some challenges along the way. A poor pooch called Pudding, for example, has fallen sick, and treating them quickly will prevent the illness from spreading to other dogs in the shelter. Even with the challenges you'll face, there's nothing quite as rewarding as helping dogs find a forever home. 

Heather Wald
Senior staff writer

I started out writing for the games section of a student-run website as an undergrad, and continued to write about games in my free time during retail and temp jobs for a number of years. Eventually, I earned an MA in magazine journalism at Cardiff University, and soon after got my first official role in the industry as a content editor for Stuff magazine. After writing about all things tech and games-related, I then did a brief stint as a freelancer before I landed my role as a staff writer here at 12DOVE. Now I get to write features, previews, and reviews, and when I'm not doing that, you can usually find me lost in any one of the Dragon Age or Mass Effect games, tucking into another delightful indie, or drinking far too much tea for my own good.