THQ says PS3 is least profitable for its business, Wii eats everything else up

THQ is struggling to stay afloat, with a most recent quarterly report putting the company in the red by $47 million. And the platform that is least helping it come back to profitability? Sadly, it's the PS3.

But not by much. In its sales numbers, THQ said PS3 games brought in a total of $12 million in revenue during the quarter. That accounts for approximately 15.5% of the company's entire gross income. Not a whole lot.

Above: THQ likes its WWE rights

However, the Xbox 360 didn't really do that much better. THQ earned $14 million from 360 games that were sold, and the DS was just a scoche above that with $17 million.

That leaves the lion's share of the remaining $34 million to the Wii, although THQ does have a small mobile unit that pulled in $1.2 million over games downloaded on cell phones.

THQ CEO Brian Farrell is essentially calling this period in the company a rebuilding season, promising a shake-up over the holiday season.

"Our December quarter will be led by WWE SmackDown vs Raw 2011 and our new uDraw GameTablet. Key releases for our March quarter include our new core game franchise Homefront as well as WWE All Stars, UFC Personal Trainer and De Blob 2," said Farrell.

In case you can't tell, THQ relies a lot on wrestling games these days. Farrell noted that a number of other "long-term products" are in the works, such as Warhammer 40K: Space Marine and Red Faction Armageddon.

Clearly, though, based on these numbers it's games like All Star Cheer Squad, Gallop %26amp; Ride, and other Wii shovelware that's THQ's bread and butter. Despite pulling down a formidable amount of money from the Wii, it doesn't really have many killer apps there.


Nov 4, 2010