Jeff Goldblum was asked if he's in Thor 4 and gave his most Jeff Goldblum answer yet

Jeff Goldblum as Grandmaster
(Image credit: Marvel Studios)

Thor: Love and Thunder is set to see the return of Natalie Portman's Jane Foster as she adopts the mantle of Mighty Thor, plus Jaimie Alexander's Sif, too. But what about Jeff Goldblum's Grandmaster from Thor: Ragnarok?

Well, during the promotional tour of Jurassic World Dominion, the actor was asked outright by Esquire whether he appears in the Marvel sequel. He replied in the most Jeff Goldblum way possible, and to be honest, we're still not really sure whether he is actually in it or not...

"Am I going to be in Love and Thunder? The truth is, and I can say it now because the trailer has come out, I appear in it," Goldblum joked in the interview. "It's my most challenging role to date, and I believe my highest accomplishment. I'm not seen, visually. You never see me. And you don't hear me. Nor am I referred to, I believe, in any scene. I am sensed, only vibrationally. It's up to the viewer to pick up on that… But you will feel something. And that will be me."

It's long been rumored that Goldblum will show up in Thor: Love and Thunder, ever since he was spotted in Australia with his Jurassic World Dominion co-star Sam Neill, while the latter was filming a cameo for the superhero flick. If he is in it, he's keeping coy for now, so only time will tell.

Directed by Taika Waititi, the upcoming Marvel movie sees the titular Avenger team up with new King of Asgard Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson), his rock buddy Korg (Waititi), and several members of the Guardians of the Galaxy to take down Christian Bale's Gorr, the God Butcher. Russell Crowe is set to be introduced into the MCU as Zeus in the film, while Akosia Sabet takes on the role of Wakandan goddess Bast.

Thor: Love and Thunder is currently scheduled to release in the UK on July 7, and the US the following day. If you don't have time to rewatch every film in Marvel Cinematic Universe ahead of time, then jog your memory as to what's been going down with our breakdown of the MCU timeline

Amy West

I am an Entertainment Writer here at 12DOVE, covering all things TV and film across our Total Film and SFX sections. Elsewhere, my words have been published by the likes of Digital Spy, SciFiNow, PinkNews, FANDOM, Radio Times, and Total Film magazine.