This new Final Fantasy 16 teaser shows us just how gorgeous the world of Valisthea really is

Final Fantasy 16 world setting
(Image credit: Square Enix)

Square Enix has dropped another Final Fantasy 16 teaser, and this one gives us a tantalizing peek at the stunning locations we'll get to visit when we march across the world of Valisthea.

The new video – which dropped over the weekend following a PAX East panel presentation – puts Valisthea front and center, revealing the world's stunning habitats and varied climates, including gorgeous lagoons, striking waterfalls, craggy mountaintops, decaying castles, medieval towns, and what can only be described as an underground lava lake. 

Check out the full two-minute teaser in the tweet embedded below:

Sadly, the team could only squeeze so much into a two-minute teaser, but the video should be quite a treat for Final Fantasy 16 fans desperate to know more about what lies in store when the game finally comes to PS5 in June 2023. 

Final Fantasy 16's devs want players to fail quick-time events and not stress about them.

Final Fantasy 16 director Hiroshi Takai recently revealed that the dev team put QTEs in Final Fantasy 16's cutscenes so they wouldn't be too "static" for the player, making them sit around and ultimately do nothing while a cutscene plays out. And even though the QTEs have been "designed to have players make mistakes", Takai wants QTEs to feel like part of the battle. 

"So when Clive is going in for a punch, we wanted to use the button that you use to attack," Takai explains, pointing to the same button for dodging in QTEs being the button the player would use to dodge while in real-time combat.

"What we want kind of is when players get good enough to the point where they're good enough at the rest of the battle to worry about what goes on in the QTEs, to maybe try failing it once," Takai said. "Because again, there are two different branches off whether you succeed or fail. And sometimes the failures can be just as interesting as the successes."

And did you see that another brief Final Fantasy 16 clip revealed that the game features tight spaces to squeeze through, reigniting one of the most exhausting debates in gaming?

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Vikki Blake
Weekend Reporter, 12DOVE

Vikki Blake is 12DOVE's Weekend Reporter. Vikki works tirelessly to ensure that you have something to read on the days of the week beginning with 'S', and can also be found contributing to outlets including the BBC, Eurogamer, and Vikki also runs a weekly games column at NME, and can be frequently found talking about Destiny 2 and Silent Hill on Twitter.