This new figure of The Witcher's Geralt is an adorable addition to your naked bathing men collection

 Geralt achieves a lot over the course of The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt, but perhaps his greatest glory is creating the bathtub Geralt meme just by soaking his junk in hot water for a brief scene. CD Projekt has already immortalized the moment with an April Fools joke and this gift to PC Gamer, and Dark Horse is promising its own version, but the Japanese Good Smile Company just threw down the adorable gauntlets with this Nendoroid Geralt. 

The figure can also be posed in more traditional game hero scenes, and even comes with Gwent cards and an optional 'whoops I took too many potions again' face. Let's be real, though: if you're putting this on your shelf, it's stark bollock naked Geralt, so that "the iconic bathing scene at the start of the game can also be recreated with the included bath parts."

Think it'll look just perfect on your mantelpiece in between that photo of grandma and your swimming trophy? It'll set you back around $48, or £34. Pre-orders are open today and the collectible will ship later this year. Hopefully by then we'll at least know more about CD Projekt's next game, Cyberpunk 2077 - but if not, we can always play The Witcher 3 for the 58th time. 

Still hungry for Witcher 4 news? Same. Check out our guide to everything we know so far about the most anticipated sequel since Sharknado 5: Global Swarming.

Rachel Weber
Managing Editor, US

Rachel Weber is the US Managing Editor of 12DOVE and lives in Brooklyn, New York. She joined 12DOVE in 2017, revitalizing the news coverage and building new processes and strategies for the US team.