This impressive indie soulslike could help tide you over until Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree DLC arrives

Bleak Faith: Forsaken
(Image credit: Archangel Studios)

This year is shaping up to be another excellent year for soulslikes. August will finally see the release of the dark Pinocchio-inspired adventure Lies of P; on top of that, there's the Lords of the Fallen reboot and, of course, there's Elden Ring's first major DLC, Shadow of the Erdtree, to look forward to before the year is out. And if you're looking to keep your reflexes sharp in the meantime, look no further than Bleak Faith: Forsaken.

From developer Archangel Studios, this indie is, as the name suggests, bleak. You'll explore an "unrelenting, interconnected world" as one of the Forsaken, fighting to protect what's left of humanity in a world gone to pot. It's all wrapped up in a dark fantasy setting that gives off serious Dark Souls vibes, sprinkled with an intriguing futuristic style that distinguishes it from the iconic FromSoftware series.

Naturally, it wouldn't be very soulslike if it didn't also put you well and truly through the wringer when it comes to combat. Archangel promises a "purposeful, yet brutal combat system", where victory over your opponents requires "balance between positioning, timing, and resource management".

You've also got a lot of freedom in terms of how you approach battles in Bleak Faith: Forsaken. There are "hundreds" of unique weapons and equipment on offer, various class options, and an expansive perk system allowing you to dispatch enemies using your preferred playstyle. As veterans of the genre will know, a lot of the time, having a great build is half the battle, and here you'll have to plan your progression very carefully. "Not every choice is reversible, so decide wisely what direction you take your character in", reads the game's Steam page.

Fortunately, if you plan to take a stab at this ambitious indie, you don't have to wait around, as it's launching today, March 10, on PC. PlayStation and Xbox versions are also planned, though there's no timeframe for when we can expect these. You can check out the kind of fierce creatures and mighty bosses you'll be going up against in the trailer below.

For more indie goodness, see our guide to upcoming indie games.

Anne-Marie Ostler
Freelance Writer

Originally from Ireland, I moved to the UK in 2014 to pursue a Games Journalism and PR degree at Staffordshire University. Following that, I've freelanced for GamesMaster, Games TM, Official PlayStation Magazine and, more recently, Play and 12DOVE. My love of gaming sprang from successfully defeating that first Goomba in Super Mario Bros on the NES. These days, PlayStation is my jam. When not gaming or writing, I can usually be found scouring the internet for anything Tomb Raider related to add to my out of control memorabilia collection.