Film fans discuss all of the things that seem normal in movies, but would be crazy in real life

John Wick 4
(Image credit: Lionsgate)

Cinema fans are debating the most unrealistic things that only happen in movies, and we can't stop laughing.

The top comment? "Throwing away the gun when it runs out of ammo." This is a common action trope, though the replies point out that John Wick is a great example of doing the opposite, adding that we always know his ammo count down to how many mags he has left.

"Police being suspended, going rogue, but then reinstated with honors because they solved the crime they were told explicitly NOT to investigate," someone wrote. Some fans listed Brooklyn 99 and Law and Order: SVU as prime examples.

"Groups splitting up in creepy locations while being pursued by some sort of evil threat. In reality, there’s strength in numbers," another user wrote. Several comments mentioned Cabin in the Woods, where there's a scene where a character initially suggests they should stick together... before ultimately deciding they should split up. And we all know how that ended.

"Being in a club or loud bar, yet holding a conversation with normal speaking voice," someone else wrote. Several users offered Trainspotting and Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me as films that do the opposite: In the club scene in Trainspotting, the main characters quire literally shout at each other over the music. In the Pink Room scene in Fire Walk with Me, there are subtitles provided because the music is so loud.

"Waking up in the hospital and immediately ripping out IVs and monitors. It happens but c'mon, someone worked really hard on all that!" reads another comment. One of the replies points out that Milla Jovovich's main character does this in Resident Evil.

"When extremely myopic heroes or whatever go on a mission & destroy a city with car chases & explosions, showing no regard for people living around them. Basically every action movie..." one user suggested.

"This is the plot of Captain America: Civil War," someone humorously replied. Most battles in Marvel movies result in what looks like hundreds and hundreds of civilian casualties....though this is never acknowledged.

For more, check out our list of the most exciting upcoming movies in 2023 and beyond.

Lauren Milici
Senior Writer, Tv & Film

Lauren Milici is a Senior Entertainment Writer for 12DOVE currently based in the Midwest. She previously reported on breaking news for The Independent's Indy100 and created TV and film listicles for Ranker. Her work has been published in Fandom, Nerdist, Paste Magazine, Vulture, PopSugar, Fangoria, and more.