These 'conspiracy theorists' reckon Sony is paying for positive Ghostbusters reviews

New Ghostbusters is good. Read that sentence back a few times, accept it, get on with your life. Or, even better, actually go see it. I’ll go out on a phantom limb here and say you’ll almost certainly enjoy it. Imagine that. Because, to recap: new Ghostbusters is good.

Alas, there are some who’ll read that sentence and think I’ve been paid to write it. Just as there are devoted critics out there whose response to every review so far has been to proclaim that Sony is buying journalists and publications off. Read on to see what I mean…

Yup, it's definitely this. Couldn't be that the film is, y'know, half-decent.

We all know the truth. All of us. How can you not know? How?

Penny for this lady's thoughts on Finding Dory as well (but no more).

Another one who just *knows*. 

Hashtag and everything. Cool story bro.

"Calling it!"

Thankfully, not everyone out there is so misguided.

Finally, someone spots the real problem here. Depressing, isn't it?

Head. Nail. On.

Aren't they just?


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