The Walking Dead director on why the finale had to end with *that* moment

Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes in The Walking Dead
(Image credit: Jace Downs/AMC)

The Walking Dead series finale brought back some familiar faces.

Warning: Spoilers for The Walking Dead series finale ahead!

The final moments of the last-ever episode of The Walking Dead contained a special five-minute epilogue that reveals what took place after Rick's helicopter ride in season 9, and what became of Michonne after season 10.

"The show was always Rick Grimes' journey. You can't really wrap up the story of The Walking Dead without Rick Grimes," series executive producer and episode director Greg Nicotero told ComicBook. "It didn't feel right, it didn't feel authentic."

"We wanted to serve the story arc that the writers had created over the last 30 episodes or so [of Season 11], but we couldn't end with Rick Grimes being taken away in a helicopter and there's no mention of him ever again," Nicotero said. "So it was very important for us to really sort wrap up the show the way it started, which is seeing who this person is and where he is on his journey."

The epilogue gives fans a brief first look at the upcoming Rick & Michonne spin-off, which was announced at Comic-Con earlier this year. Their voiceovers intertwine, each reciting love letters to one another. Michonne rides horseback, katana in hand, and stumbles upon a CRM helicopter that looks similar to the one Rick climbed into back in season 9.

Nicotero added: "The idea really was that it was intended to be these short, small impressionistic images that tell us that Rick is still alive and he's still fighting to get home, and Michonne is out there, and she's still fighting to find him."

"These are two people that have been separated for a very long time," Walking Dead Boss Gimple previously told  Entertainment Weekly of the forthcoming spin-off. "They’ve lived whole other existences and they have to find themselves again, let alone each other. And it’s hopefully going to be mind-blowing. It kind of goes coast to coast that way between the intimate and the epic and the insane."

The untitled Rick & Michonne spin-off is set to hit AMC sometime in 2023.

For more, check out our guide to how to watch The Walking Dead in order

Lauren Milici
Senior Writer, Tv & Film

Lauren Milici is a Senior Entertainment Writer for 12DOVE currently based in the Midwest. She previously reported on breaking news for The Independent's Indy100 and created TV and film listicles for Ranker. Her work has been published in Fandom, Nerdist, Paste Magazine, Vulture, PopSugar, Fangoria, and more.